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Neodymium v2.0.0

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@occupant23 occupant23 released this 07 Aug 12:48
· 879 commits to master since this release

We are pleased to announce that Neodymium has been released in version 2.0.0 🎉

This is a major release since we consolidated our API. Unfortunately with great changes comes breaking the former API.

So make sure to adjust the following items when you upgrade:

  • Renaming of classes in the neodymium.util package to achieve a better understanding
    • e.g. Driver to WebDriverUtils
  • Refactoring of the Context.class
    • Renamed to Neodymium
    • Static functions to access all fields and API functions e.g.:
      • Neodymium.configuration() to access the NeodymiumConfiguration
      • Neodymium.localization("<localizationKey>") to get the current translation for the <localizationKey>
      • Neodymium.dataValue("<dataKey>") to get value for the <dataKey> out of the current data set
  • Renaming of our current main properties file from to
  • Scoping and renaming for our property keys. We renamed and scoped them accordingly to their usage within the framework. Please find the correct naming in the documentation or in our example file.


  • Fixed some bugs in the ProxyConfiguration and added support for configuring sockets
  • Removed usage of DesiredCapabilities to get rid of unnecessary console output during test execution


  • Fixed a NPE when using JavaScriptUtils.waitForReady() without configuring a waiting animation selector.
  • Fixed a NPE in NeodymiumLocalization when having an empty String as value


  • Allure 2.7.0
  • Selenide 4.12.3
  • JavaDoc 3.0.1

We covered some new topics in our GitHub wiki: