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SCANsat Resource Settings

DMagic edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 11 revisions


πŸ” SCANsat Resource Settings

SCANsat provides multiple options for resource scanning that can complement, simplify, or replace stock scanning systems. Also note that there is an in-game help option for this window (along the standard settings window and the color configuration window); activate it by clicking the ? icon in the top-right corner.

There are four primary options:

πŸ” Resource Biome Lock

When disabled this bypasses the need for surface scanning as described in the stock scanning section; note that this only applies to resource maps and abundance readouts displayed by SCANsat, not through stock modules. By default this is enabled and SCANsat maps and readouts will follow the stock rules for displaying resource abundance.

πŸ” Instant Resource Scan

By default SCANsat checks to see if a planet has been scanned using the stock orbital survey, if it has then SCANsat automatically fills in all of resource coverage maps; basically this allows you to use SCANsat maps and overlays to display resource concentrations without any additional scanning.

When disabled all interaction between stock scanning and SCANsat coverage is removed. You can still scan planets and view resource maps using stock mechanisms, but if you want to display resource overlays on SCANsat maps you will need to use SCANsat scanning mechanisms (which follow the same basic rules as described in the scanning section).

πŸ” Requires Narrow Band Scanner

This option is intended to preserve the need for a second, high-resolution resource scanner, regardless of what your other scanning settings are.

When enabled several SCANsat maps and functions are affected:

  • The info readout display at the bottom of the big map and the tooltips for the SCANsat planetary overlays require that a narrow-band scanner be in orbit, that the orbital inclination is cabable of covering the location in question, and that it is within scanning range to display resource concentrations
  • The resource abundance readout in the Instruments Window requires a narrow-band scanner onboard your current vessel to display values
  • The zoom map will only show resource overlays if a narrow-band scanner is in an orbit that can cover the location shown in the map, and is within scanning range

When disabled none of these restrictions are in place.

πŸ” Disable Stock Scanning

This is the most far reaching option. When toggled on several stock functions are affected.

  • The scanning functions of the M700 Survey Scanner and the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner are disabled
    • This prevents using the stock orbital scan (and subsequently the stock planetary overlays, as long as you haven't already scanned the planet)
    • The resource abundance displays in the right-click context menu of the narrow-band scanner and surface scanning module are replaced by SCANsat modules; these require that an area be scanned from orbit before showing any values
  • The ground truthing function of the surface scanning module is unaffected
πŸ” Stock Scan Threshold

When stock resource scanning is disabled this option to control the stock resource scan will appear.

  • The percentage shown is a threshold value for the SCANsat M700 resource scan
  • This function can be disabled to prevent all stock resource scans
  • When this level is reached the stock resource scan will be performed automatically
  • The text box can be used to enter a new value for the threshold
  • A check will be performed whenever there is a scene change or a reload * Force a check by putting in a new value and pushing the Set button * A reload may be required for the scan to take effect

πŸ” Other Settings

πŸ” Resource Data Resets

There are two buttons that allow you to reset the resource scanning data; both open a confirmation window when selected.

Reset SCANsat Resource Coverage will reset all of the SCANsat resource data without affecting the standard SCANsat data (altimetry, biomes). This is useful if you had instant scan enabled at some point but decide to start using SCANsat mode; you can use this to restart your resource scanning process.

If the Disable Stock Scanning option is selected another option becomes available allowing you to reset the stock resource scanning data. This doesn't affect SCANsat data, it only removes the stock orbital survey scan, it also doesn't affect biome scans using the Surface Scanning Module. This resets the stock planetary overlay function and requires a reload or scene change before some aspects of the change take effect.

πŸ” Map Quality

Several map quality settings are available at the bottom of the window.

  • Interpolation: This value can be lowered to increase the accuracy of the SCANsat planetary overlay and big map resource overlay
  • Map Height: This value can be raised to increase the accuracy and quality of the SCANsat planetary overlay and big map resource overlay
  • Coverage Transparency: This value can be raised to give areas of the planet that have been scanned, but don't have resource deposits above the cutoff level a semi-transparent grey color in the planetary overlay; this help when determining how much of the planet has been scanned
  • Biome Map Height: This controls the map size of the planetary biome overlay