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SCANsat Resource Scanning

DMagic edited this page Sep 6, 2015 · 7 revisions


πŸ” SCANsat Resource Scanning

After going over the tools provided by SCANsat for resource scanning and the display of resource abundance we can now move on the actual scanning process, how it differs from stock scanning, and why it differs.

πŸ” Scanning Basics

All of the same basic SCANsat rules apply to resource scanning, the only exception is that there is no indicator for resource scanner status on the small map.

  • There are multiple instruments, each with its own parameters and purpose
  • Scanners must be placed in an orbit that meets the requirements of each scanner's parameters
  • Regions of the planet's surface will be scanned as you orbit
  • The standard methods for finding a good orbit apply
πŸ” SCANsat Resource Scanners

There are two basic resource scanners, both use Module Manager to add the required modules to the stock parts.

  • The M700 Survey Scanner uses a special SCANsat scanner type
    • It provides low accuracy data for all resources that can be displayed by SCANsat
    • Resource concentration is rounded to the nearest whole number
    • This data can be shown on the SCANsat big map, the SCANsat planetary overlay, and by SCANsat resource abundance readouts
  • The M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner provides high resolution Ore scanning data
    • This allows for fully accurate resource abundance to be displayed
    • Depending on your SCANsat settings it is also used by several SCANsat tools for showing concentration data
    • When Disable Stock Scanning is selected in the setting menu SCANsat replaces the resource abundance readouts in the right-click context menu of the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner and the Surface Scanning Module, and replaces the high-resolution map on the Narrow-Band Scanner
  • SCANsat modules are also added to resource scanning parts from other addons and provide the same function for other resources

πŸ” Comparison To Stock Scanning

πŸ” Scanning Methods

πŸ” M700 Survey Scanner
  • The initial scan
    • Stock orbital surveys are conducted nearly instantaneously and only require that a few orbital conditions be met
    • SCANsat requires that a scanner actually cover each region of the planet that you want to scan
  • Requirements for further scanning
    • Stock orbital surveys are required for subsequent scanning functions
    • SCANsat resource scanners work independently of one another; there is no requirement to progress from one to the next; though the wide scanning width and tech tree placement encourages scanning with the M700 first
  • Orbital requirements
    • Stock orbital surveys require a very specific orbit, leaving no possibility of low-inclination scanning, highly elliptical orbits, fly-by scans, etc...
    • SCANsat resource scans work in any situation as long the altitude conditions are met; this provides a much greater range of possible scanning strategies rather than forcing one method for each and every planet
πŸ” M4435 Narrow Band Scanner
  • Scanner readout
    • The stock narrow band scanner readout will display the surface concentration regardless of the M700 orbital survey status; it is affected by surface scanning status
    • The SCANsat narrow band scanner readout will only display surface concentration if an area has been scanned, either with the M4435 or with the M700; depending on settings it is also affected by the surface scanning status
    • The SCANsat narrow band scanner also (depending on SCANsat settings) affects the availability of several SCANsat resource display tools
  • Scanning function
    • The stock narrow band scanner doesn't have any persistent scanning function, it only gives data for the area around its current position
    • The SCANsat narrow band scanner functions the same as any other SCANsat scanner, creating a persistent record of scanning coverage; it provides fully accurate resource data (dependent on surface scanning status), rather than the SCANsat M700's low accuracy, but only for the specific resources it is designed for
  • Resource distribution maps
    • The stock narrow band scanner provides a high accuracy resource distribution map of the area immediately surrounding the current vessel; it displays data for all planetary resource types
    • The SCANsat narrow band scanner provides a similar high accuracy resource map for the area surrounding the current vessel
    • The SCANsat map also provides the same functions as the SCANsat zoom map
      • Orbit overlays
      • Landing target/Mechjeb landing site selection
      • Contract waypoints
      • Anomaly locations
      • Location, terrain, slope, biome, and resource concentration readouts
πŸ” Surface Scanning Module

Depending on SCANsat settings the surface biome scanning behavior is no different from stock scanning. This can be disabled to give fully accurate resource concentration data without any surface scanning.

πŸ” Information Display

πŸ” Planetary Overlay
  • Stock overlays
    • The stock planetary overlay is dependent on the M700 orbital survey
    • It gives a low detail idea of resource distribution on the planet
    • It has several tools for modifying the resource concentration cutoff, color settings, and overlay styles
    • It uses two of the less-convenient UI elements in KSP, the right-click context menu and knowledge base icons
    • It has adjustable quality settings through config files in the GameData folder
  • SCANsat overlays
    • The SCANsat planetary overlay displays any resource scanning data; it does not require a full scan or any particular resource scanner to function
    • It provides a resource display that is roughly equivalent to the stock overlay at the default quality settings
    • Several options are available for changing resource concentration cutoff values and color settings, but they are not as easily accessible as the stock controls
    • In game overlay settings allow for easy adjustment of the quality and accuracy of the overlay
    • Mouse-over tooltips are available in map mode; these give information about the location under the mouse cursor; the resource concentration display is dependent on SCANsat resource settings
    • It also allows for terrain and biome overlays
    • Icons in other SCANsat windows and a toolbar icon are available for opening the overlay control window
πŸ” High Accuracy Maps
  • Stock hi-def map
    • The M4435 Narrow Band Scanner offers a high detail map of the area immediately surrounding the vessel
    • It provides accurate resource concentration data, along with an idea of the terrain
    • It can be used for all planetary resources
  • SCANsat hi-def map
    • The SCANsat hi def map can also be opened using the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner (or any other part with hi-def map module)
    • As described in the last section, it provides similar functionality to the standard SCANsat zoom map, but is limited to the area immediately surrounding the vessel
    • It displays low resolution terrain data regardless of SCANsat terrain scanning coverage
πŸ” Other Resource Information Displays
  • Stock resource readouts
    • Stock scanners are limited to right-click context menu displays for resource concentrations
  • SCANsat displays
    • SCANsat can replace the right-click context displays, depending on SCANsat settings
    • SCANsat provides a number of other display tools, as described in the SCANsat Resource Tools section
      • These include the SCANsat big map resource overlay, the standard SCANsat zoom map, and the SCANsat instruments window