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QuantumXenon edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

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You are one with the shadows.


  • Shadow Form: You can transform yourself into dark energy, but it's to unstable to stay in that form for long. (You can also go through blocks)
  • Shadow Storage: [Save Toolbar Activator] You can warp the shadows into a storage area only you can access, and is kept on death.
  • Shadow Snack: Because eating food isn't an option, and you're a shadow, you are able to regain your hunger when in dark areas. This fills half of your hunger bar and gives regeneration for a short period of time.
  • Shadow: In low light conditions, you become invisible, but moonlight and sunlight expose you.
  • No Food: You're a shadow, so you can't eat food.
  • The Weakness of the Sun: The Sun produces a lot of light, meaning you are weak to it. You gain slowness and weakness when exposed to the harsh rays of the Sun.
  • Weak: Your health is reduced to 7 hearts.
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