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QuantumXenon edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 6 revisions

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You are a small cobra, your fangs are full of poison and you are ready to attack when you need to.


  • Cobra's Touch: To defend yourself, you poison people you attack.
  • Cold Weakness: You don't like cold. Staying on a cold place will start to lower your temperature. A bar of cold will start to increase. Having some cold will apply you slowness plus slightly blue skin. Reaching Max cold will increase the slowness level and blue tone, and you will start to get damage. Cold will naturally decrease after leaving the cold place.
  • Green Skin: Your skin has turned green from the mass of scales covering your body.
  • One Block Tall: You are one block tall.
  • Poison Shot: Shoots a Poison Arrow wherever you are looking at.
  • Scale Armor: Your scales provide natural protection, giving you 1 bar of armor.
  • Heat Strength: You are naturally stronger because of the heat, you gain strength during the day and in the nether.

This origin was made by Overgrown#5799

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