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QuantumXenon edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 3 revisions

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You are bedrock.


  • Dense II: You are so dense and heavy that when you fall greater than four blocks, you break the block you fall on (except for some strong blocks).
  • Bedrock Break: Since you are stronger than most you can break bedrock with a netherite pickaxe.
  • Bedrock Skin: You are nearly unbreakable because of your bedrock ancestors so you are immune to drowning, and starvation. You also are a darker tint due to being bedrock.
  • Short Arms: Due to your short arms you can't pull back a bow or crossbow.
  • Bulky: You are bulky so you sink underwater and gain slowness.
  • Dense: Due to your density you have extra health, and you are slower.
  • Food: You never have eaten so you never have a full food bar
  • Miner: You were built to mine so you mine faster.
  • Bedrockean Heal: You heal differently than most, so you have a constant heal, but half a heart each second and a half
  • Heavy Body: Due to your great weight you can barely jump a block high.
  • Invincible: Like your ancestors, you can be immune to all damage - however, when you do this it costs your speed, strength, and it takes much longer to heal.
  • Earth Familiarity: Your familiarity with the earth allows to to find treasures others cannot.
  • Lava Vision: Since you are most of the time covered in lava you have adjusted to see in it.
  • No Elytra: Due to your great density you could not ever fly.
  • Potion Immune: Your skin is too hard for potions to get through and effect you
  • Powerful Arms: Due to your great strength you can launch mobs into the air when you hit them.
  • Short: You are a block tall because you used to be a block.
  • Rested: You got plenty of rest while you sat at the bottom of the world, why would you need any more?
  • Deep Down: You spawn in the nether where there is double the amount of bedrock.
  • Strong: Due to you being made out of bedrock, you deal extra damage when using your fist.
  • Bright Sun: The sun is too bright for your cave adapted eyes.

This origin was made by DarkStarEch0#6328

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