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QuantumXenon edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 5 revisions

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Dolphins are aquatic creatures that likes to jump out of the water, and are most likely found in the ocean.


  • Water Particles: Since you are in the water so much, you get bubble particles around you.
  • Pescatarian: You can only eat raw fish, but it gives a lot more hunger bars than usual.
  • Ocean Spawn: Your natural spawn is in the ocean.
  • Dolphin Jump: Like a dolphin you can jump out of the water.
  • Slow and Weak on Land: Because you are not used to being on land you get Slowness and Weakness while not in water.
  • Fast Swimmer: Dolphins are really fast swimmers, causing you to have Speed II while in water.
  • Dolphin Wrangler: Dolphins usually travel in groups, causing you to be able to spawn a dolphin.
  • Water Breathing: Due to the way your lungs are formed you can hold your breath underwater permanently.
  • Water Vision: Dolphins can see under water due to the way their eyes were made.

This origin was made by Overgrown#5799

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