Sprint 75
Closed Jun 8, 2022
100% complete
Sprint goals
Make Lisk Desktop blockchain agnostic #4033
Refactor the list of delegates to match the proposed architecture #4252
The production build is broken due to the refactoring changes #4320
The production build is broken due to the refactoring changes #4320
Improve account management #4035
Update sign in/signup UI #4306
Implement setup passwor…
Sprint goals
Make Lisk Desktop blockchain agnostic #4033
Refactor the list of delegates to match the proposed architecture #4252
The production build is broken due to the refactoring changes #4320
The production build is broken due to the refactoring changes #4320
Improve account management #4035
Update sign in/signup UI #4306
Implement setup password succeess #4294
Implement add account with recovery phrase flow #4302
Implement backup secret recovery phrase flow #4305
Remove sign in and sign out features #4317
Moved goals
Make Lisk Desktop blockchain agnostic #4033
Investigate root cause e2e failing #4323
Refactor transaction creation forms to match the proposed architecture #4247
Improve account management #4035
Implement add account with recovery encrypted file flow #4303
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