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Releases: Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightning

DDP bug fixes

10 Apr 12:44
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We had a few (subtle) bugs that affected DDP and a few key things in 0.7.2 so we released 0.7.3 to fix them because they are critical for DDP. sorry about that! still, no API changes, but please do skip straight to 0.7.3 upgrade for those fixes

Detail changes


  • Added rank_zero_warn for warning only in rank 0 (#1428)


  • Fixed default DistributedSampler for DDP training (#1425)
  • Fixed workers warning not on windows (#1430)
  • Fixed returning tuple from run_training_batch (#1431)
  • Fixed gradient clipping (#1438)
  • Fixed pretty print (#1441)


@alsrgv, @Borda, @williamFalcon

Many bug fixes, added flexibility, parity tests with pytorch and more

08 Apr 18:46
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This release aims at fixing particular issues and improving the user development experience via extending docs, adding typing and supporting python 3.8. In particular, some of the release highlights are:

  • Added benchmark for comparing lightning with vanilla implementations
  • Extended optimizer support with particular frequency
  • Several improvements for loggers such as represent no-primitive types, supporting hierarchical dictionaries for hyper param searchers
  • Added model configuration checking before it runs
  • Simplify the PL examples structure (shallower and more readable)
  • Improved Trainer CLI arguments handling (generalization)
  • Two Trainer argument become deprecated: print_nan_grads and show_progress_bar

Detail changes


  • Added same step loggers' metrics aggregation (#1278)
  • Added parity test between a vanilla MNIST model and lightning model (#1284)
  • Added parity test between a vanilla RNN model and lightning model (#1351)
  • Added Reinforcement Learning - Deep Q-network (DQN) lightning example (#1232)
  • Added support for hierarchical dict (#1152)
  • Added TrainsLogger class (#1122)
  • Added type hints to pytorch_lightning.core (#946)
  • Added support for IterableDataset in validation and testing (#1104)
  • Added support for non-primitive types in hparams for TensorboardLogger (#1130)
  • Added a check that stops the training when loss or weights contain NaN or inf values. (#1097)
  • Added support for IterableDataset when val_check_interval=1.0 (default), this will trigger validation at the end of each epoch. (#1283)
  • Added summary method to Profilers. (#1259)
  • Added informative errors if user defined dataloader has zero length (#1280)
  • Added testing for python 3.8 (#915)
  • Added a training_epoch_end method which is the mirror of validation_epoch_end. (#1357)
  • Added model configuration checking (#1199)
  • Added support for optimizer frequencies through LightningModule.configure_optimizers() (#1269)
  • Added option to run without an optimizer by returning None from configure_optimizers. (#1279)
  • Added a warning when the number of data loader workers is small. (#1378)


  • Changed (renamed and refactored) TensorRunningMean -> TensorRunningAccum: running accumulations were generalized. (#1278)
  • Changed progress_bar_refresh_rate trainer flag to disable progress bar when setting to 0. (#1108)
  • Enhanced load_from_checkpoint to also forward params to the model (#1307)
  • Updated references to self.forward() to instead use the __call__ interface. (#1211)
  • Changed default behaviour of configure_optimizers to use no optimizer rather than Adam. (#1279)
  • Allow uploading models on W&B (#1339)
  • On DP and DDP2 unsqueeze is automated now (#1319)
  • Did not always create a DataLoader during reinstantiation, but the same type as before (if a subclass of DataLoader) (#1346)
  • Did not interfere with a default sampler (#1318)
  • Removed default Adam optimizer (#1317)
  • Gave warnings for unimplemented required lightning methods (#1317)
  • Made evaluate method private >> Trainer._evaluate(...). (#1260)
  • Simplify the PL examples structure (shallower and more readable) (#1247)
  • Changed min-max GPU memory to be on their own plots (#1358)
  • Remove .item which causes sync issues (#1254)
  • Changed smoothing in TQDM to decrease variability of time remaining between training/eval (#1194)
  • Change default logger to a dedicated one (#1064)


  • Deprecated Trainer argument print_nan_grads (#1097)
  • Deprecated Trainer argument show_progress_bar (#1108)


  • Removed duplicated module pytorch_lightning.utilities.arg_parse for loading CLI arguments (#1167)
  • Removed wandb logger's finalize method (#1193)
  • Dropped torchvision dependency in tests and added own MNIST dataset class instead (#986)


  • Fixed model_checkpoint when saving all models (#1359)
  • Trainer.add_argparse_args classmethod fixed. Now it adds a type for the arguments (#1147)
  • Fixed bug related to type cheking of ReduceLROnPlateau lr schedulers(#1114)
  • Fixed a bug to ensure lightning checkpoints to be backward compatible (#1132)
  • Fixed a bug that created an extra dataloader with active reload_dataloaders_every_epoch (#1181)
  • Fixed all warnings and errors in the docs build process (#1191)
  • Fixed an issue where val_percent_check=0 would not disable validation (#1251)
  • Fixed average of incomplete TensorRunningMean (#1309)
  • Fixed with wandb.init() (#1311)
  • Fixed an issue with early stopping that would prevent it from monitoring training metrics when validation is disabled / not implemented (#1235)
  • Fixed a bug that would cause trainer.test() to run on the validation set when overloading validation_epoch_end and test_end (#1353)
  • Fixed - use of the watch method without importing wandb (#1311)
  • Fixed WandbLogger to be used with 'ddp' - allow reinits in sub-processes (#1149, #1360)
  • Made training_epoch_end behave like validation_epoch_end (#1357)
  • Fixed fast_dev_run running validation twice (#1365)
  • Fixed pickle error from quick patch __code__ (#1352)
  • Fixed memory leak on GPU0 (#1094, #1349)
  • Fixed checkpointing interval (#1272)
  • Fixed validation and training loops run the partial dataset (#1192)
  • Fixed running on_validation_end only on main process in DDP (#1125)
  • Fixed load_spawn_weights only in proc rank 0 (#1385)
  • Fixes use_amp issue (#1145)
  • Fixes using deprecated use_amp attribute (#1145)
  • Fixed Tensorboard logger error: lightning_logs directory not exists in multi-node DDP on nodes with rank != 0 (#1375)
  • Fixed Unimplemented backend XLA error on TPU (#1387)


@alexeykarnachev, @amoudgl, @areshytko, @asafmanor, @awaelchli, @bkkaggle, @bmartinn, @Borda, @borisdayma, @cmpute, @djbyrne, @ethanwharris, @gerardrbentley, @jbschiratti, @jeremyjordan, @justusschock, @monney, @mpariente, @pertschuk, @rmrao, @S-aiueo32, @shubhamagarwal92, @SkafteNicki, @sneiman, @tullie, @vanpelt, @williamFalcon, @xingzhaolee

If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]

Minor deprecation fix

13 Mar 14:14
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Monir bug fix with print issues and data_loader (#1080)

TPU support & profiling

10 Mar 23:13
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This is the first joint release between pytorch-bearer and Lightning, here we come ...

This release adds support for training models on Tensor Processing Units (TPU). We can now train models on GPUs and TPUs by changing a single parameter in Trainer (see docs). We are also bringing the flexibility of Bearer into Lightning by allowing for arbitrary user-defined callbacks, see docs.

We are also including a profiler that allows Lightning users to identify training bottlenecks (see docs).

This release also includes automatic sampler setup depending on the selected backend, Lightning configures the sampler correctly (no need for user input).

The loggers have also been extended to support for multiple concurrent loggers to be passed to Trainer as an iterable, docs and added support for step-based learning rate scheduling.

At last, lots of bug fixes (see below).

Detail changes


  • Added automatic sampler setup. Depending on DDP or TPU, lightning configures the sampler correctly (user needs to do nothing) (#926)
  • Added reload_dataloaders_every_epoch=False flag for trainer. Some users require reloading data every epoch (#926)
  • Added progress_bar_refresh_rate=50 flag for trainer. The refresh rate on notebooks (#926)
  • Updated governance docs
  • Added a check to ensure that the metric used for early stopping exists before training commences (#542)
  • Added optimizer_idx argument to backward hook (#733)
  • Added entity argument to WandbLogger to be passed to wandb.init (#783)
  • Added a tool for profiling training runs (#782)
  • Improved flexibility for naming of TensorBoard logs, can now set version to a str to just save to that directory, and use name='' to prevent experiment-name directory (#804)
  • Added option to specify step key when logging metrics (#808)
  • Added train_dataloader, val_dataloader and test_dataloader arguments to, for alternative data parsing (#759)
  • Added Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) support (#868)
  • Added semantic segmentation example (#751, #876, #881)
  • Split callbacks in multiple files (#849)
  • Support for user-defined callbacks (#889 and #950)
  • Added support for multiple loggers to be passed to Trainer as an iterable (e.g. list, tuple, etc.) (#903)
  • Added support for step-based learning rate scheduling (#941)
  • Added support for logging hparams as dict (#1029)
  • Checkpoint and early stopping now work without val. step (#1041)
  • Support graceful training cleanup after Keyboard Interrupt (#856, #1019)
  • Added type hints for function arguments (#912)
  • Added default argparser for Trainer (#952, #1023)
  • Added TPU gradient clipping (#963)
  • Added max/min number of steps in Trainer (#728)


  • Changed default TQDM to use for prettier outputs in IPython notebooks (#752)
  • Changed pytorch_lightning.logging to pytorch_lightning.loggers (#767)
  • Moved the default tqdm_dict definition from Trainer to LightningModule, so it can be overridden by the user (#749)
  • Moved functionality of LightningModule.load_from_metrics into LightningModule.load_from_checkpoint (#995)
  • Changed Checkpoint path parameter from filepath to dirpath (#1016)
  • Freezed models hparams as Namespace property (#1029)
  • Dropped logging config in package init (#1015)
  • Renames model steps (#1051)
    • training_end >> training_epoch_end
    • validation_end >> validation_epoch_end
    • test_end >> test_epoch_end
  • Refactor dataloading, supports infinite dataloader (#955)
  • Create single file in TensorBoardLogger (#777)


  • Deprecated pytorch_lightning.logging (#767)
  • Deprecated LightningModule.load_from_metrics in favour of LightningModule.load_from_checkpoint (#995, #1079)
  • Deprecated @data_loader decorator (#926)
  • Deprecated model steps training_end, validation_end and test_end (#1051, #1056)


  • Removed dependency on pandas (#736)
  • Removed dependency on torchvision (#797)
  • Removed dependency on scikit-learn (#801)


  • Fixed a bug where early stopping on_end_epoch would be called inconsistently when check_val_every_n_epoch == 0 (#743)
  • Fixed a bug where the model checkpoint didn't write to the same directory as the logger (#771)
  • Fixed a bug where the TensorBoardLogger class would create an additional empty log file during fitting (#777)
  • Fixed a bug where global_step was advanced incorrectly when using accumulate_grad_batches > 1 (#832)
  • Fixed a bug when calling self.logger.experiment with multiple loggers (#1009)
  • Fixed a bug when calling logger.append_tags on a NeptuneLogger with a single tag (#1009)
  • Fixed sending back data from .spawn by saving and loading the trained model in/out of the process (#1017)
  • Fixed port collision on DDP (#1010)
  • Fixed/tested pass overrides (#918)
  • Fixed comet logger to log after train (#892)
  • Remove deprecated args to learning rate step function (#890)


@airglow, @akshaykvnit, @AljoSt, @AntixK, @awaelchli, @baeseongsu, @bobkemp, @Borda, @calclavia, @Calysto, @djbyrne, @ethanwharris, @fdelrio89, @hadim, @hanbyul-kim, @jeremyjordan, @kuynzereb, @luiscape, @MattPainter01, @neggert, @onkyo14taro, @peteriz, @shoarora, @SkafteNicki, @smallzzy, @srush, @theevann, @tullie, @williamFalcon, @xeTaiz, @xssChauhan, @yukw777

If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]

Simplifications & new docs

21 Jan 22:51
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This release focused on a ton of bug fixes, small optimizations to training but most importantly, clean new docs!

Major changes

We have released New documentation, please bear with us as we fix broken links and patch in missing pieces.
This project moved to new org PyTorchLightning, so no longer the root sits on WilliamFalcon/PyTorchLightning.
We have added own custom Tensorboard logger as default logger.
We have upgrade Continues Integration to speed up the automatic testing.
We have fixed GAN training - supporting multiple optimizers.

Complete changelog


  • Added support for resuming from a specific checkpoint via resume_from_checkpoint argument (#516)
  • Added support for ReduceLROnPlateau scheduler (#320)
  • Added support for Apex mode O2 in conjunction with Data Parallel (#493)
  • Added option (save_top_k) to save the top k models in the ModelCheckpoint class (#128)
  • Added on_train_start and on_train_end hooks to ModelHooks (#598)
  • Added TensorBoardLogger (#607)
  • Added support for weight summary of model with multiple inputs (#543)
  • Added map_location argument to load_from_metrics and load_from_checkpoint (#625)
  • Added option to disable validation by setting val_percent_check=0 (#649)
  • Added NeptuneLogger class (#648)
  • Added WandbLogger class (#627)


  • Changed the default progress bar to print to stdout instead of stderr (#531)
  • Renamed step_idx to step, epoch_idx to epoch, max_num_epochs to max_epochs and min_num_epochs to min_epochs (#589)
  • Renamed several Trainer atributes: (#567)
    • total_batch_nb to total_batches,
    • nb_val_batches to num_val_batches,
    • nb_training_batches to num_training_batches,
    • max_nb_epochs to max_epochs,
    • min_nb_epochs to min_epochs,
    • nb_test_batches to num_test_batches,
    • and nb_val_batches to num_val_batches (#567)
  • Changed gradient logging to use parameter names instead of indexes (#660)
  • Changed the default logger to TensorBoardLogger (#609)
  • Changed the directory for tensorboard logging to be the same as model checkpointing (#706)


  • Deprecated max_nb_epochs and min_nb_epochs (#567)
  • Deprecated the on_sanity_check_start hook in ModelHooks (#598)


  • Removed the save_best_only argument from ModelCheckpoint, use save_top_k=1 instead (#128)


  • Fixed a bug which ocurred when using Adagrad with cuda (#554)
  • Fixed a bug where training would be on the GPU despite setting gpus=0 or gpus=[] (#561)
  • Fixed an error with print_nan_gradients when some parameters do not require gradient (#579)
  • Fixed a bug where the progress bar would show an incorrect number of total steps during the validation sanity check when using multiple validation data loaders (#597)
  • Fixed support for PyTorch 1.1.0 (#552)
  • Fixed an issue with early stopping when using a val_check_interval < 1.0 in Trainer (#492)
  • Fixed bugs relating to the CometLogger object that would cause it to not work properly (#481)
  • Fixed a bug that would occur when returning -1 from on_batch_start following an early exit or when the batch was None (#509)
  • Fixed a potential race condition with several processes trying to create checkpoint directories (#530)
  • Fixed a bug where batch 'segments' would remain on the GPU when using truncated_bptt > 1 (#532)
  • Fixed a bug when using IterableDataset (#547](#547))
  • Fixed a bug where .item was called on non-tensor objects (#602)
  • Fixed a bug where Trainer.train would crash on an uninitialized variable if the trainer was run after resuming from a checkpoint that was already at max_epochs (#608)
  • Fixed a bug where early stopping would begin two epochs early (#617)
  • Fixed a bug where num_training_batches and num_test_batches would sometimes be rounded down to zero (#649)
  • Fixed a bug where an additional batch would be processed when manually setting num_training_batches (#653)
  • Fixed a bug when batches did not have a .copy method (#701)
  • Fixed a bug when using log_gpu_memory=True in Python 3.6 (#715)
  • Fixed a bug where checkpoint writing could exit before completion, giving incomplete checkpoints (#689)
  • Fixed a bug where on_train_end was not called when early stopping (#723)


@akhti, @alumae, @awaelchli, @Borda, @borisdayma, @ctlaltdefeat, @dreamgonfly, @elliotwaite, @fdiehl, @goodok, @haossr, @HarshSharma12, @Ir1d, @jakubczakon, @jeffling, @kuynzereb, @MartinPernus, @matthew-z, @MikeScarp, @mpariente, @neggert, @rwesterman, @ryanwongsa, @schwobr, @tullie, @vikmary, @VSJMilewski, @williamFalcon, @YehCF

If we forgot someone due to not matching commit email with GitHub account, let us know :]


06 Nov 20:04
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Generalization release

The main focus of this release was on adding flexibility and generalization to support broad research cases.

Next release will be Dec 7th (every 30 days).

Internal Facebook support

@lorenzoFabbri @tullie @myleott @ashwinb @shootingsoul @vreis
These features were added to support FAIR, FAIAR and broader ML across other FB teams.

In general, we can expose any part that isn't exposed yet where someone might want to override the lightning implementation.

  1. Added truncated back propagation through time support (thanks @tullie).
  1. Added iterable datasets.
# return iterabledataset
def train_dataloader(...):
    ds = IterableDataset(...)
    return Dataloader(ds)

# set validation to a fix number of batches
# (checks val every 100 train epochs)
  1. Add ability to customize backward and other training parts:
    def backward(self, use_amp, loss, optimizer):
        Override backward with your own implementation if you need to
        :param use_amp: Whether amp was requested or not
        :param loss: Loss is already scaled by accumulated grads
        :param optimizer: Current optimizer being used
        if use_amp:
            with amp.scale_loss(loss, optimizer) as scaled_loss:
  1. DDP custom implementation support (override these hooks):
    def configure_ddp(self, model, device_ids):
        Override to init DDP in a different way or use your own wrapper.
        Must return model.
        :param model:
        :param device_ids:
        :return: DDP wrapped model
        model = LightningDistributedDataParallel(
        return model

    def init_ddp_connection(self, proc_rank, world_size):
        Connect all procs in the world using the env:// init
        Use the first node as the root address

        # use slurm job id for the port number
        # guarantees unique ports across jobs from same grid search
            # use the last 4 numbers in the job id as the id
            default_port = os.environ['SLURM_JOB_ID']
            default_port = default_port[-4:]

            # all ports should be in the 10k+ range
            default_port = int(default_port) + 15000

        except Exception as e:
            default_port = 12910

        # if user gave a port number, use that one instead
            default_port = os.environ['MASTER_PORT']
        except Exception:
            os.environ['MASTER_PORT'] = str(default_port)

        # figure out the root node addr
            root_node = os.environ['SLURM_NODELIST'].split(' ')[0]
        except Exception:
            root_node = ''

        root_node = self.trainer.resolve_root_node_address(root_node)
        os.environ['MASTER_ADDR'] = root_node
        dist.init_process_group('nccl', rank=proc_rank, world_size=world_size)
  1. Support for your own apex init or implementation.
    def configure_apex(self, amp, model, optimizers, amp_level):
        Override to init AMP your own way
        Must return a model and list of optimizers
        :param amp:
        :param model:
        :param optimizers:
        :param amp_level:
        :return: Apex wrapped model and optimizers
        model, optimizers = amp.initialize(
            model, optimizers, opt_level=amp_level,

        return model, optimizers
  1. DDP2 implementation (inspired by parlai and @stephenroller).
    DDP2 acts as DP in the node and DDP across nodes.
    As a result, an optional method is introduced training_end
    where you can use the outputs of training_step (performed on each GPU with a portion of the batch),
    to do something with the outputs of all batches on the node (ie: negative sampling).

def training_step(...):
    # x is 1/nb_gpus of the full batch
    out = model(x)
    return {'out': out}

def training_end(self, outputs):
     # all_outs has outs from ALL gpus 
     all_outs = outputs['out']
     loss = softmax(all_outs)
     return {'loss': loss}


  • More logger diversity including
  • Versioned logs for all loggers.
  • switched from print to logging

progress bar

  • now the progress bar has a full bar for the full train + val epochs and a second bar visible only during val.


  • checkpoints now store hparams
  • no need to pass tags.csv to restore state because it lives in the checkpoint.

Slurm resubmit with apex + ddp

  • Fixes issue of ddp restore weights blowing out GPU memory (load on cpu first then GPU).
  • Saves apex states automatically and restores it for a checkpoint.


  • internal code made modular through Mixins for ease of readability and to minimize merge conflicts.


  • Tons of doc improvements.


Thank you to the amazing contributor community! Especially @neggert and @Borda for reviewing PRs and taking care of a good number of Github issues. The community is thriving and has really embraced making Lightning better.

Great job everyone!

Simpler interface, new features

05 Oct 21:10
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Simpler interface

All trainers now have a default logger, early stopping and checkpoint object. To modify the behavior, pass in your own versions of those.

  • Removed collisions with logger versions by tying it to job id.


  • Added new DDP implementation. It uses DP in a node but allows multiple nodes. Useful for models which need negative samples, etc...
  • support for LBFGS. If you pass in LBFGS Lightning handles the closure for you automatically.
  • No longer need to set master port, Lightning does it for you using the job id.

Minor changes

  • training_step and validation_end now return two separate dicts, one for the progress bar and one for logging.

  • Added options to memory printing: 'min_max' logs only the max/min memory use. 'all' logs all the GPUs on the root node.

API clean up

26 Sep 14:47
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This release has breaking API changes. See #124 for all details.
Syntax changes are:

in trainer options use: train, test, val  
for data: val_dataloader, test_dataloader, train_dataloader
data_batch -> batch    
prog -> progress   
gradient_clip -> gradient_clip_val    
add_log_row_interval -> row_log_interval

Various ddt improvements

16 Sep 14:54
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This release does the following:

  • Moves SLURM resubmit from test-tube to PL (which removes the need for cluster parameter).
  • Cluster checkpoint done by Lightning now (not test-tube). Also doesn't require a checkpoint object to restore weights when on cluster.
  • Loads all models on CPU when restoring weights to avoid OOM issues in PyTorch. User now needs to move to GPU manually. However, if using Lightning, lightning will move to correct GPUs automatically.
  • Fixes various subtle bugs in DDP implementation.
  • documentation updates

New features

12 Aug 20:11
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  • validation_step, val_dataloader are now optional.
  • enabled multiple dataloaders for validation.
  • support for latest test-tube logger optimized for PT 1.2.0.
  • lr_scheduler now activated after epoch