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Compilation it IT

ArchiBot edited this page Aug 20, 2024 · 37 revisions


La compilazione Γ¨ il processo di creazione del file eseguibile. Questo Γ¨ quanto vuoi fare se vuoi aggiungere le tue modifiche ad ASF, o se per qualche motivo non ti fidi dei file eseguibili forniti nelle versioni ufficiali. Se sei un utente e non uno sviluppatore, molto probabilmente vorrai usare i binari giΓ  precompilati, ma se vuoi usare i tuoi, o vuoi imparare qualcosa di nuovo, continua a leggere.

ASF Γ¨ compilabile su ogni piattaforma correntemente supportata, finchΓ© hai tutti gli strumenti per farlo.


Regardless of platform, you need full .NET SDK (not just runtime) in order to compile ASF. Installation instructions can be found on .NET download page. You need to install appropriate .NET SDK version for your OS. Dopo l'installazione riuscita, il comando dotnet dovrebbe esser funzionante e operativo. Puoi verificare che funzioni con dotnet --info. Also ensure that your .NET SDK matches ASF runtime requirements.


Assuming you have .NET SDK operative and in appropriate version, simply navigate to source ASF directory (cloned or downloaded and unpacked ASF repo) and execute:

dotnet publish ArchiSteamFarm -c "Release" -o "out/generic"

If you're using Linux/macOS, you can instead use script which will do the same, in a bit more complex manner.

Se la compilazione Γ¨ terminata correttamente, puoi trovare il tuo ASF in forma di sorgente nella cartella out/generic. Ha pari valore alla build ufficiale generica di ASF, ma ha UpdateChannel e UpdatePeriod di 0 forzati, il che Γ¨ appropriato per le build personali.

Specifico all'OS

You can also generate OS-specific .NET package if you have a specific need. In general you shouldn't do that because you've just compiled generic flavour that you can run with your already-installed .NET runtime that you've used for the compilation in the first place, but just in case you want to:

dotnet publish ArchiSteamFarm -c "Release" -o "out/linux-x64" -r "linux-x64" --self-contained

Ovviamente, sostituisci linux-64 con l'architettura OS a cui vuoi destinarlo, come win-x64. Questa build avrΓ  inoltre gli aggiornamenti disabilitati. When building --self-contained you can also optionally declare two more switches: -p:PublishTrimmed=true will produce trimmed build, while -p:PublishSingleFile=true will produce a single file. Adding both will result in the same settings we use for our own builds.


While the above steps are everything that is required to have a fully working build of ASF, you may also be interested in building ASF-ui, our graphical web interface. From ASF side, all you need to do is dropping ASF-ui build output in standard ASF-ui/dist location, then building ASF with it (again, if needed).

ASF-ui is part of ASF's source tree as a git submodule, ensure that you've cloned the repo with git clone --recursive, as otherwise you'll not have the required files. You'll also need a working NPM, Node.js comes with it. If you're using Linux/macOS, we recommend our script, which will automatically cover building and shipping ASF-ui (if possible, that is, if you're meeting the requirements we've just mentioned).

In addition to the script, we also attach the simplified build instructions below, refer to ASF-ui repo for additional documentation. From ASF's source tree location, so as above, execute the following commands:

rm -rf "ASF-ui/dist" # ASF-ui doesn't clean itself after old build

npm ci --prefix ASF-ui
npm run-script deploy --prefix ASF-ui

rm -rf "out/generic/www" # Ensure that our build output is clean of the old files
dotnet publish ArchiSteamFarm -c "Release" -o "out/generic" # Or accordingly to what you need as per the above

You should now be able to find the ASF-ui files in your out/generic/www folder. ASF will be able to serve those files to your browser.

Alternatively, you can simply build ASF-ui, whether manually or with the help of our repo, then copy the build output over to ${OUT}/www folder manually, where ${OUT} is the output folder of ASF that you've specified with -o parameter. This is exactly what ASF is doing as part of the build process, it copies ASF-ui/dist (if exists) over to ${OUT}/www, nothing fancy.


If you'd like to edit ASF code, you can use any .NET compatible IDE for that purpose, although even that is optional, since you can as well edit with a notepad and compile with dotnet command described above.

If you don't have a better pick, we can recommend latest Visual Studio Code, which is sufficient for even more advanced needs. Of course you can use whatever you want to, for reference we use JetBrains Rider for ASF development, although it's not a free solution.


Il ramo main non Γ¨ garantito in uno stato che consenta una compilazione di successo o un'esecuzione impeccabile di ASF in primo luogo, poichΓ© Γ¨ il suo ramo di sviluppo, proprio come dichiarato nel nostro ciclo di rilascio. Se vuoi compilare o riferirti ad ASF dalla sorgente, allora dovresti usare il tag appropriato per tale scopo, garantendo almeno una compilazione di successo, e molto probabilmente anche l'esecuzione impeccabile (se la build era segnata come versione stabile). In order to check the current "health" of the tree, you can use our CI - GitHub.

Versioni ufficiali

Official ASF releases are compiled by GitHub, with latest .NET SDK that matches ASF runtime requirements. Dopo aver superato i testi, tutti i pacchetti sono distribuiti come versione, anche su GitHub. Questo garantisce anche la trasparenza, dato che GitHub usa sempre sorgenti pubbliche ufficiali per tutte le build e poichΓ© puoi comparare le somme di controllo degli artefatti di GitHub con le risorse di rilascio di GitHub. Gli sviluppatori di ASF non compilano o pubblicano loro stessi le build, eccetto per il processo di sviluppo privato e il debug.

In addition to the above, ASF maintainers manually validate and publish build checksums on independent from GitHub, remote ASF server, as additional security measure. This step is mandatory for existing ASFs to consider the release as a valid candidate for auto-update functionality.

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