Releases: FESOM/fesom2
What's Changed
- Feature/multio next by @stefaniereuter in #650
New Contributors
- @stefaniereuter made their first contribution in #650
Full Changelog: 2.6.3...2.6.4
What's Changed
- Improve error handling for open files for clock file and mesh file by @sebastianbeyer in #642
- Fix compilation on LUMI with cray 16.0.1 by @sebastianbeyer in #655
- Update io_meandata.F90 by @JanStreffing in #657
Full Changelog: 2.6.2...2.6.3
What's Changed
- change namelist.config.toy_soufflet by @patrickscholz in #641
- Fix/ibhf ocea ale tra by @ackerlar in #645
- Remove superfluous 'use MOD_PARSUP' from clock_init by @sebastianbeyer in #648
- Fix/wave erosion by @ackerlar in #649
Full Changelog: 2.6.1...2.6.2
Main Changes:
- #550 Scalar geometry description for oasis and yac
- #498 Multio support for FESOM standalone
- #465 Support for 3rd order Adams Bashford solver
- #489 Couple Iceberg model
- #576 Add active age tracers
- #587 Add netcdf compression for default output
- #597 Remove parms library
- #354 Add ugrid compliance for default output
- #613 Add ability to use fractions of JRA55 forcing cycle
- #497 Add split-explicit ssh solver
- #583 Add RECOM OBGC coupling
- #637 Ensure functionality of Icepack 1.2 coupling
New diagnostics
- #479 Add diagnostic for first moment of horizontal tracer fluxes
- #578 Add Discret Variance Decay (DVD) diagnostic
Complete list of changes
Milestone 2.6
What's Changed
- Updates de by @raguridan in #592
New Contributors
- @raguridan made their first contribution in #592
Full Changelog:
Full Changelog:
Add MareNostrum 5 support.
DestinE version
The _de
indicates it's DestinE specific release.
What's Changed
- Removes Ollie Scripts by @pgierz in #482
- Fix a few typos on the Getting Started docs by @kinow in #484
- Refactoring razvan multio by @dsidoren in #487
- remove unused TODO block for IFS currents coupling by @sebastianbeyer in #490
- Add same information from GH readme to RTD docs by @kinow in #488
- fix that ensures we dont check for salinity <= 3 inside ice shelf by @JanStreffing in #494
- fixes #496 blas discovery by @suvarchal in #499
- updating documentation for fesom standalone and job_levante by @fernandadialzira in #501
- Refactoring runoff mapper by @dsidoren in #502
- some updates important for mio functionality by @suvarchal in #505
- add readthedocs.yaml by @koldunovn in #507
- change readthedocs to python 3.9 by @koldunovn in #508
- install theme for docs by @koldunovn in #509
- small fix for docs by @koldunovn in #511
- update docker image to refactoring by @koldunovn in #516
- update docker image to refactoring again, sorry suvi :) by @koldunovn in #517
- Add lumi CI/CD workflow by @tiggi in #519
- Lumi CICD sync fix by @tiggi in #520
- an OMP bux fix in tracer FCT by @dsidoren in #522
- Bugfixes to parms, widely compatable FindNETCDF, and new envs for atos and lumi by @suvarchal in #523
- Refactoring fct omp bugfix by @dsidoren in #525
- added OMP for mEVP (aEVP is still not covered). tested for CORE2 mesh… by @dsidoren in #527
- fix OpenMP in EVPdynamics by @sebastianbeyer in #534
- fix OpenMP in EVPdynamics by @sebastianbeyer in #535
- production_DE fixup by @wdeconinck in #531
- Multio: change some gridType metadataA by @sebastianbeyer in #540
- multio: set unstructuredGridType from namelist by @sebastianbeyer in #541
- Make async_threads_module and fesom_C an OBJECT library by @wdeconinck in #537
- production_DE with atosecmwf platform strategy by @trackow in #542
- dont write redi output when using multio by @sebastianbeyer in #547
- Always convert to double precision before multio by @sebastianbeyer in #548
- Remove old Cray exception for OpenMP - builds with tagged ifs-bundle by @trackow in #549
- Lumi gpu production de by @dsidoren in #555
- IFS-interface: read precomputed weights matching mpi ranks by @sebastianbeyer in #556
- fixed GPU bug when dynamics%use_wsplit=.TRUE. The problem was that by @dsidoren in #560
- production_DE fix in ice_fem_fct for occurring Overflows by @trackow in #562
New Contributors
- @fernandadialzira made their first contribution in #501
- @tiggi made their first contribution in #519
Full Changelog: AWI-CM3_v3.2...
Main changes
Complete refactoring of the code in order to implement modular structure. Now variables are wrapped in derived types. For tracers [#167, #185 ], dynamics [ #214, #219, #228, ], ice [#251, ]
Add OpenMP support [#196, #217 , #220, #222, #226, #227, #232, #233, #235, #236, #241, #242, #244, #246, #247, #256, #269, #293, #346, #406], with binary reproducibility #357
Implementation of binary restarts and parallel reading of restarts #260, #265, #296
Add capability to easilly extract dwarfs (computational kernels) from the code, so that they can be optimised separatelly (#297, #302, #303, #304, #367)
Improvements for coupling with atmospheric models
- Multiple fixes for AWI-CM3 #352, #374
- FESOM main split in three parts (as required for IFS coupling) #195
- Add a switch to build FESOM as library (for IFS coupling) #207 #229, #231
- Implement IFS interface #224, #238, #239, #327
- IFS coupling related changes #321, #324, #331, #332, #429, #433
- Send ocean variables to IFS to output them on atmospheric grid #435
- Big IFS related update #388, that includes:
- coupling of surface ocean currents (took nodal velocities instead of velocities on elements)
- optimization of coupling interface (packing of fields, p2p instead of alltoallv) following what was done for NEMO4
- extra diagnostics are available on IFS grid (MLD, ave T 300m, ave S 300m, 20C isotherm, etc) and thus in GRIB output
- reduced standard I/O output in single-executable runs
Compiler and HPC support
- nvfortran compiler support #266, #290, #291, #317, #328, #329, #376
- Use consistent target attribute (for Cray compiler) #198
- Compiles with OpenMP with cray compiler #200
- Add Levante support #338, #358, #365, #394
- Add LUMI support #387, #412, #406
- Add albedo support #391, #392, #400, #419
New features
- Automatic rotation for vector fields, no need or rotation in postprocessing #301, #335
- Allow topography to be read on elements and nodes #359
- Support for driving FESOM with the windstress (instead of the wind speed -> bulk formulas) from reanalysis #366
- Add MLD3 with cmor compliant density threshold of 0.03 kg/m³ #383
- Chlorophyll climatology can be used instead of constant value. Shall be activated through namelist #339
- Add Langmuir Parameterisation for TKE, update IDEMIX parameter #340
- Transposed 3D output files via preprocessor definition #193
- add the output of density class thickness to the DMOC diagnostic for the proper remapping to zcoordinates #372
- Additional IO output for upper levels for nextGEMS #436
Improvements for High resolution simulations
- Brunt-Vaisala frequency is smoothed spatially before it is given to the mixing schemes. This damps some mode which is expressed as a grid noise in the modelled fields (mainly at the equator) #287
- Smoothing Bv in vertical is necessary in order to avoid vertival noise in Kv/Av #385
- Fix bug, when visc_gamma0, visc_gamma1 & visc_gamma2 were used instead gamma0_tra, gamma1_tra & gamma2_tra in diff_part_bh #276
- Multiple bugs fixed in biharmonic tracer diffusion, that allow better results for high resolution simulations #277, #282
- Bug fix in pressure_bv (depth computatiopn for pressure contribution) #320
Bug fixes
- Multiple TKE+IDEMIX fixes #351
- fix bug with reading runoff and SSS #177
- Remove last occurence of execute_command_line function, was failing too often #318
- Fix KPP bug related to sw_pene #237
- Bug fix in update_atm_forcing. press_air array was accessed even if not allocated. #248
- CFLMAX was not initialized in vert_vel_ale #253
- Fixed treatment of sw_pene in cvmix_KPP #330
- Fixed depth sign in the parameterisation of Langmuir circulations (LC in TKE) #353
- zisotherm computation improved #401
- diag_densMOC assumed that GM is used. An IF condition was introduced #410
- Multiple bugfixes for cavity #390
- Make sure that the restart works from zstar towrads linfs #375
- Includes the formerly separate documentation repository directly along with the source code #344