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Lisa Zorn edited this page May 12, 2021 · 6 revisions

Home > TravelModel > UsersGuide > RunModel

Run the Model

This page provides instructions for executing the travel model. For a description of the underlying computing environment, see the ComputingEnvironment page; for a general description of the underlying system design, see the SystemDesign page; for a description of the configuration files likely needing to be modified before executing the model, see the SetupConfiguration page.

These instructions are for the simplified single-server run that we're running these days. We used to run across several nodes but now we run the model on a single machine.

Step 1: Execute the RunModelBatch file

MTC runs the model by calling a series of commands stored in an MS-DOS batch file named RunModel.bat. An overview of the steps performed by this batch file are noted below; complete details are provided on the RunModelBatch page. The current MTC implementation runs three full iterations of the models (i.e. speeds are fed back through the entire model stream, meaning steps 2 through 5 on the ModelSchematic); the RunModel.bat file can be easily configured to run any number of iterations.

  • Sets the necessary path variables as described on the SetupConfiguration page;
  • Starts up the Cube Voyager nodes
  • Builds a set of distance-based non-motorized skims that are not modified across feedback iterations;
  • Iteration 0:
    • Assigns a set of "warm start" trip tables to the highway network and creates skims
  • Iterations 1-3:
    • Sets the parameters for the iteration 1 and call the RunIteration.bat file (RunIterationBatch), which performs the following steps:
    • Builds highway and transit skims;
    • Executes the CT-RAMP choice models;
    • Executes the freight models;
    • Performs highway assignment;
    • Performs transit assignment
    • Notifies our slack channel that the iteration is complete
  • Create destination choice logsums
  • Summarization steps
  • Shuts down the Cube Voyager nodes as and the java processes
  • Notifies our slack channel that the model run is complete
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