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Home > TravelModel > UsersGuide > DataDictionary > JointTour

Simulation results specific to joint tour decisions. Joint travel is defined in the model structure as two or more individuals from the same household making a complete travel tour together.

Name Definition Scale Join with …
hh_id Unique household ID number Long integer, any value All model files, synthetic population household file
tour_id Joint tour number unique to the household Integer, 0 or 1 (0 represents first joint tour, 1 represents the second if there are two) Synthetic population person file, Model files specific to persons and individual travel
tour_category Type of joint tour String, "JOINT_NON_MANDATORY", which is the only type of joint tour currently modeled  
tour_purpose Purpose of the joint tour String, "eatout", "othdiscr", "othmaint", "shopping", "social"  
tour_composition Type of tour composition Integer, 1 - adults only; 2 - children only; 3 - adults and children  
tour_participants Household members participating in the tour String of Integers, with spaces between, of the person_num Person file
orig_taz Origin transportation analysis zone Integer, 1 to 1454 Shape file
orig_walk_segment Walk to transit origin sub-zone (not located in space) Integer, 0 - cannot walk to transit; 1 - short-walk to transit; 2 - long-walk to transit  
dest_taz Destination transportation analysis zone Integer, 1 to 1454 Shape file
dest_walk_segment Walk to transit destination sub-zone (not located in space) Integer, 1 to 1454  
start_hour Start time of the tour Integer, 5 to 23, where 5 is the hour from 5 am to 6 am and 23 is the hour from 11 pm to midnight  
end_hour End time of the tour Integer, 5 to 23, where 5 is the hour from 5 am to 6 am and 23 is the hour from 11 pm to midnight  
tour_mode Primary (though not necessarily used) travel mode for the tour Integer, see TravelModes#tour-and-trip-modes  
num_ob_stops Number of out-bound (from home) stops on the tour Integer, 0 and up  
num_ib_stops Number of in-bound (to home) stops on the tour Integer, 0 and up  

-- Main.DavidOry - 07 Jun 2011

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