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Network Building with NetworkWrangler

Lisa Zorn edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 57 revisions

Home > TravelModel > UsersGuide > NetworkCoding > Network-Building-with-NetworkWrangler

This is a step-by-step guide for Travel Model 1.5 users who want to build or modify the roadway and transit networks using the tool NetworkWrangler.

The basic premise is that we start with a base network (representing 2015), layer network projects on top of that, and output networks representing future years.

Building a Future


  1. Setting it up for the first time
    1. Software requirements
    2. Installation
  2. Build a network
    1. Build a Future
    2. Build a Test Network
  3. Coding a project
    1. Coding a Roadway Project
    2. Coding a Transit Project

Setting it up for the first time

Software requirements

To build model networks, the following software needs to be installed on your computer. These instructions are written assuming installation on Windows (tested on Windows 10).

  • Install conda to manage your NetworkWrangler python environment.
  • Install Citilabs Cube 6.4.4 or newer. After installing when you run the application, you'll be asked where the license server is located -- there is a note in Lisa's office with this information. Cube is typically installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citilabs, and RUNTPP.EXE is typically found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citilabs\CubeVoyager.
  • Install Github Desktop. You can use this for the next step, cloning NetworkWrangler from Github, and also for committing changes to the NetworkWrangler network configuration back to github.
  • Clone NetworkWrangler from Github and keep track of where you cloned it. We typically clone it into our personal Documents folder or Documents\GitHub. For example, Flavia's installation is in C:\Users\ftsang\Documents\GitHub\NetworkWrangler.
  • Install Git. This is related to, but not the same as the GitHub Desktop application; we'll need it because projects are coded as local git repositories (that are not on Github). This is typically installed in C:\Program Files\Git.
  • Verify that the M drive is mounted and available. 2015 base networks are available here: TM1_2015_Base_Network which is cloned to M:\Application\Model One\Networks\TM1_2015_Base_Network


Step 1: Add the location of Citilabs Cube's RUNTPP.EXE to your system's PATH environment variable.

This is so that Windows will know where this executable is when NetworkWrangler tries to run it in order to build networks. Again, you’ll need to know where Cube's RUNTPP.EXE is installed; it's most likely installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Citilabs\CubeVoyager. Add this to your PATH variable using the the Windows GUI, since this will make it persistent in your environment across machine restarts, etc. Conda environments will inherit these environment variables as well.

Step 2: Create a conda python environment called NetworkWrangler for running NetworkWrangler

Open an Anaconda Powershell Prompt and create an environment for NetworkWrangler as follows:

(base) PS C:\> conda create --name NetworkWrangler python=3.10
(base) PS C:\> conda activate NetworkWrangler
(NetworkWrangler) PS C:\>

This will automatically put the environment's python into your PATH when you activate the environment.

Step 3: Install the required python packages into your conda environment.

In your Anaconda Powershell Prompt, activate your NetworkWrangler environment and then install the required packages through pip. The required modules are:

In some cases, additional packages are required. For example, some network projects require geopandas and its dependencies. Also, when the --create_project_diffs argument is used, both geopandas and arcpy are required.

Note that several of these packages don't install smoothly on Windows from pypi, so we have found it useful to download the precompiled windows versions graciously created and posted at [[Christoph Gohlke's Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python Extension Packages]. The following instructions install the required package, followed by installing NetworkWrangler in editable mode.

Note: Output has not been copied into the below example because it's long, but the pip install commands will result in output.

(NetworkWrangler) C:\> pip install M:\Software\Python\numpy-1.22.4+mkl-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
(NetworkWrangler) C:\> pip install M:\Software\Python\pywin32-304.0-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
(NetworkWrangler) C:\> pip install M:\Software\Python\SimpleParse-2.2.2-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
(NetworkWrangler) C:\> pip install xlrd
(NetworkWrangler) C:\> pip install M:\Software\Python\pandas-1.4.3-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl
(NetworkWrangler) C:\> rem Navigate to where your NetworkWrangler GitHub repo is cloned
(NetworkWrangler) C:\> E:
(NetworkWrangler) E:\> cd GitHub\NetworkWrangler
(NetworkWrangler) E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler>pip install -e .

Step 4: Run the python interpreter

In your Anaconda Powershell Prompt window, when you run the command of python, you'll enter into the python interpreter. This means that subsequent commands are interpretted as lines of Python rather than as Windows DOS commands. When you enter into the python interpreter, the command window should display a message about the version of your python and the prompt will change to be >>> instead of [your current working directory]>.

To exit the python interpreter, type the python command, quit().

Note that python, unlike Windows DOS, is case-sensitive.

(NetworkWrangler) PS E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler> rem Note we have activated the NetworkWrangler conda environment
(NetworkWrangler) PS E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler> python
Python 3.10.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Aug 22 2022, 20:29:51) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> print("This is a python print command")
This is a python print command
>>> print("Type quit() to exit the python interpreter")
Type quit() to exit the python interpreter
>>> quit()

(NetworkWrangler) PS E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler>

Step 5: Import the NetworkWrangler module into python.

While in the python interpreter, try to import NetworkWrangler. A successful import will look like the following.

(NetworkWrangler) PS C:\>python
Python 3.10.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Aug 22 2022, 20:29:51) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import Wrangler
Importing  E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\_static\
Importing  e:\github\networkwrangler\Wrangler\

The most likely type of error you'll get here is an import error if a module required to NetworkWrangler fails to load. For example, if the required module, xlrd, is not installed, it'll look like this:

Python 2.7.8 (default, Jun 30 2014, 16:08:48) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import Wrangler
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\lzorn\Documents\NetworkWrangler\Wrangler\", line 9, in <module>
    from .TransitAssignmentData import TransitAssignmentData ##
  File "C:\Users\lzorn\Documents\NetworkWrangler\Wrangler\", line 5, in <module>
    import csv,os,logging,string,sys,xlrd
ImportError: No module named xlrd

To resolve, quit the python interpreter and install the missing python module using pip and the instructions in Step 3.

Build a Network

Now that we can import NetworkWrangler, it's time to build a network!

There are two network building scripts and they each have their own configuration. The following documentation assumes you'll use your local NetworkWrangler\scripts as your working directory, so navigate there in the Anaconda Powershell Prompt:

(NetworkWrangler) PS C:\>
(NetworkWrangler) PS C:\>E:
(NetworkWrangler) PS C:\>cd GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts
(NetworkWrangler) PS E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler>

Build the Blueprint Networks

There are a number of network build scripts:

Building a Future

To build the Blueprint network series, run:

E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts>python .\ Blueprint
Importing  E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\_static\
Importing  e:\github\networkwrangler\Wrangler\
WranglerLogger: DEBUG    Args: Namespace(configword=None, model_type='TravelModelOne', base_network=None, continue_on_warning=True, skip_precheck_requirements=True, restart_year=None, restart_mode=None, create_project_diffs=True, net_spec='.\\', netvariant='Blueprint')
WranglerLogger: INFO     Removing 2025 hwy {'name': 'EIR2_ReXBlue', 'variants_include': ['Alt2']}
WranglerLogger: INFO     Removing 2025 hwy {'name': 'EIR2_Val_Link_ExpressBus', 'variants_include': ['Alt2']}

[lots of output omitted]

WranglerLogger: INFO
WranglerLogger: DEBUG    Successfully completed running E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts\
E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts>dir .\BlueprintNetworks\

    Directory: E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts\BlueprintNetworks

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----          6/1/2023  10:02 AM                net_2015_Blueprint
d-----          6/1/2023  10:14 AM                net_2020_Blueprint
d-----          6/1/2023  10:30 AM                net_2025_Blueprint
d-----          6/1/2023  10:40 AM                net_2030_Blueprint
d-----          6/1/2023  10:46 AM                net_2035_Blueprint
d-----          6/1/2023  10:56 AM                net_2040_Blueprint
d-----          6/1/2023  11:00 AM                net_2045_Blueprint
d-----          6/1/2023  11:05 AM                net_2050_Blueprint
-a----          6/1/2023  11:05 AM        4006311 buildnetwork_Blueprint_Blueprint_2023Jun01.100121.debug.LOG
-a----          6/1/2023  11:05 AM         115997

This creates the 2015 network and applies the 2015 projects, and outputs that network; it then applies the 2020 projects and outputs that network, etc. The script does not create an intermediate year network unless a new project has been applied.

Each time a build network python script is run, a scratch folder is created to house copies of the repositories for each network project included in the accompanying netspec file. If you are running several iterations of the build network script, you should regularly delete the "scratch" folder to save space on your local drive and avoid potential errors.

Build a Test Network

The test network script and configuration are very similar, but they exist as a convenience to test the project coding that you're working on. As the network projects get coded and the Futures network configuration becomes more filled out, building a full network series for each future will become slower. To make project coding easier, the test network script and configuration exist to build a bare-bones network so you can add only the project you're working on (and it's required projects, if any) for testing.

Building a Test Network

The network building script is and its configuration is

Similar to above, in order to use the script, you will need to set the PIVOT_DIR location to point to the location of the 2015 base network inputs which should be available via Box Drive.

E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts> python test_network
Importing  E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\_static\
Importing  e:\github\networkwrangler\Wrangler\
WranglerLogger: DEBUG    Using tier network M:\\Application\\Model One\\Networks\\TM1_2015_Base_Network\hwy\
WranglerLogger: INFO     Reading M:\\Application\\Model One\\Networks\\TM1_2015_Base_Network\trn\transit_lines\Transit_Lines.block

[lots of output omitted]

WranglerLogger: INFO     Building 2050 trn networks
WranglerLogger: INFO     No applied projects for this year -- skipping output
WranglerLogger: DEBUG    Successfully completed running E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts\

E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts> dir .\Test_Scenario_network_2020\

    Directory: E:\GitHub\NetworkWrangler\scripts\Test_Scenario_network_2020

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
d-----         6/29/2023  11:05 AM                hwy
d-----         6/29/2023  11:05 AM                trn

Congratulations! This is the checkpoint for our NetworkWrangler Workshop Part 2!


Coding a Project

Network projects are coded as folders within M:\Application\Model One\NetworkProjects (configured in and Each project or folder is a local Git repository (that will not be attached to a remote repository -- so it will be standalone).

Step 1: Create project folder

To code a project, you'll likely want to start with a similar seed project (more on that below) and create a new folder, name it appropriately and copy the contents of the seed project into your folder to start. Make sure you do not copy the .git folder, as that is the git version history of the seed project, and your project will have its own git version history.

Step 2. Make small updates to project

The basic files required in a project are:

  • README.txt - While not technically required, it's good practice to keep basic documentation and notes here. Since we plan to keep much of our notes/conversations on Asana, assuming we continue that practice, a link the relevant Asana task is sufficient.
  • - This makes the project serve as a python module, so that NetworkWrangler can import it.
    • The desc() method should return a short string description of the project
    • The year() method should return the project's opening year
    • For transit projects, the applyEdits() method will be meaningful; more on that later.
  • apply.s - This Cube script is run for roadway projects. More on that below.
  • data files - These names can vary depending on what the project does to the network, although it'd be nice for them to have intuitive names, like mod_nodes.csv, new_links.csv, etc.

Initially, just make the minimal changes to README.txt and and get things ready to test. Once you're able to build a test network with this new project, you can fill out the details.

Step 3. Make your project into a local git repository and commit your files

  1. In Windows Explorer, go to your project folder and right click in the blank space of this folder
  2. Choose Git GUI Here
  3. Choose Create New Repository
  4. Select the current folder and click Create
  5. On the top left quadrant, click on each file to move the files from unstaged to staged. Alternatively, click on the button that says Stage Changed to staget all of them at once.
  6. Supply a commit message. For the first commit, it doesn't need to be that meaningful, so I typically start with initial commit.
  7. Click Commit

Now your project is ready to be added to a network.

Step 4. Build a network with your project

Modify your local copy of in a text editor to add your project. You can add it to any year by adding the string to the hwy and\or trn list for that year (depending on what kind of project it is).

For example, if your project is called ALA050014_SR84_Livermore, the test spec specifies:

NETWORK_PROJECTS = collections.OrderedDict([
    (2015, {'hwy':['PROJ_attributes'], 'trn':[]}),  # adds PROJ attributes to NODE and LINK
    (2020, {

Now, build a test network as described above.

Coding a Roadway Project

Roadway projects typically consist of one (or more) of the following actions:

Action Example Project
Create new nodes FBP_AL_021_South_Bay_Connect, SF_Park_Presidio_HOV_Pilot, Transform_SR37_Widening_Interim
Modify attributes for nodes To be created.
Delete nodes None yet and this may not ever be necessary
Create new links FBP_AL_055_DubBlvd_NCanyons_Ext, FBP_SC_074_US101_BuenaVista_Int, SF_991030_101_Doyle_Repl
Widen Roadway Segment ALA050014_SR84_Widening, FBP_SM_022_I380_Widening, CC_070011_Brentwood_Blvd_Widening
Roadway diet ALA150043_Claremont_road_diet, SF_130011_2ndSt_Road_Diet, FBP_SL_022_ConomaBlvd_Diet
Delete links SeaLevelRise_1foot, SF_070027_Yerba_Buena_Ramp_Imp, SCL130001_237_101_MAT_Int_Mod
Roadway BRT treatment FBP_AL_065_Bancroft_Bus_Only, CC_170061_Bus_On_Shoulder_680BRT, ALA210028_I80_HOV_Bus_Lane_Ext
HOV ramp coding AL_044_I880_Whipple_Imps, ALA210027_I80_Powell_Transit_Access
FT==8 and TOS==2 MAJ_Bay_Area_Forward_all
SIGCOR==1 and TOS==1 FBP_SC_054_SR17_Corridor_Relief
Add new freeway on/off ramps FBP_CC_038_SR242_Clayton_OnOffRamps, FBP_SM_035_Peninsula_101_OnOffRamps

Adding a node

When adding a node, it's important to do the following:

Apply.s example:

  NODEI[2]="new_nodes.csv" VAR=N,X,Y,_PROJECT(c) START=(substr(record,1,4)='N,X,')

    IF (ni.2._PROJECT=='my_project')
      X        = ni.2.X
      Y        = ni.2.Y
      ; Is the node in freeflow.bld being moved?
      IF (NI.1.X <> 0)
        PRINT LIST="BAD node number: ",ni.2.N
        ABORT MSG="Node collision: node number already in use"


Coding a Transit Project

Transit projects are more complicated. Some example actions:

Action Example Project
Adding a new line (including transfer links and funnel links) CC_050025_EBart_to_Antioch
Removing a line Earthquake
Rerouting a bus line Earthquake
Extending an existing line SOL030002_FairfieldVacaville_Stn
Splitting a project into phases (frequency changes) RRSP_Alameda_Point_Transit_Improvements
Splitting a project into phases (via multiple .lin files) FBP_SM_020_Regional_Express_Buses
Bus headway adjustment FBP_MU_059_ACTransbay_Freq_Incr
Rail headway adjustment using model year FBP_MU_046_ACE_Freq_Inc
Light station removal and headway change FBP_SC_106_VTA_LRT_Modernization
Deleting bus route FBP_SL_026_SolExpressBus
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