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Affiliated Packages

Ben Stabler edited this page Jan 14, 2018 · 22 revisions

An affiliated package is an activity-based modeling related Python package that is not part of the activitysim core package, but has requested to be included as part of the ActivitySim project. These packages demonstrate a commitment to ActivitySim’s goal of building a shared, open, platform that can be easily adapted, is robust, efficient, and is well-maintained. Although these packages are not yet formally part of the ActivitySim project/governance, the long term vision is to better unite all these projects/packages.

Affiliated Packages

Package Name Description Status Repository PyPI
PopulationSim Population Synthesis In Development
bca4abm Benefit Cost Analysis In Development

Becoming an Affiliated Package

If you are a developer of an activity-based modeling related package and would like your package to become affiliated with the ActivitySim Project, contact a member of the PMC. The PMC will then consider your package based on the Contribution Review Criteria and the Governance Code Management.

The package should use classes and functions from the ActivitySim package wherever possible and appropriate. This facilitates re-use of code and sharing of resources. The package developer(s) should make an effort to connect with the ActivitySim developer community, including developers from the core ActivitySim package or any related affiliated packages. If your package is judged to meet these standards, it will be added to the affiliated package table. If the package becomes unmaintained or does not meet the standards anymore, it will be removed.

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