Releases: wadpac/GGIR
General: Fix bug in parameter check concerning the recognition of a Boolean vector #1276
Part 5: Fix bug in handling diary for daysleepers in the visualreport. This does not affect any other GGIR output. #1272
Part 5 and visualreport: When wake up time at start of recording is added in part 5 no log was kept of the guider and bedend column was not recognised, this is now fixed. #1273
General: Add functionality to split recordings based on recording specific timestamps or dates, for example useful when studying effect of interventions. This new functionality comes with new parameters recording_split_times, recording_split_overlap, recording_split_timeformat #1278.
Part 5: Now also runs lux analysis for MM window #1271
Part 2:
Part 6 and new visual report: Fix bug related to determining the combination of thresholds to use for the
visual report and for part 6 analyses when there are several options and
part6_threshold_combi is NULL. #1260 -
Part 6: Improve robustness of column name initialization for part6 output #1240
Bug fixed in handling recordings that start at midnight #1257
The new and old general pdf report have been renamed to clarify which one is old (eventually to be deprecated) and which one is new.
Report_...pdf has been renamed to old_report_...pdf.
Time_report...pdf has been renamed to report_...pdf
Part 3: Default for parameter do.part3.pdf changed from TRUE to FALSE because this visualisation has become redundant with the addition of the new general visual report.
Part 2:
Fix bug in determining the files to be included in the part 2 report, which only
considered the first N files processed by part 2 while using this N when working a
file name list produced by part 1 which can be longer #1252 -
Speed up activity diary extraction. #1250
Make sure part 2 event report, e.g. based on step detection, is saved to csv format
with intended sep and dec arguments rather than default. -
Simplify MVPA parameter specification in part 2 (mvpathreshold, boutcriter). When not
specified, GGIR copies the values from the corresponding part 5 parameter values (threshold.mod and
boutcriter.mvpa). #1247
Part 2 and 4: Both activity diary and sleep diary are now always reloaded if the derived
copy of it (in .RData) is older than the diary itself or if the diary name has changed. #1250 -
Visual report: Recently added visual report is now also able to handle epoch sizes not equal
to 1 minutes, and now also able to handle recordings
with only 1 valid day, these were previously skipped. #1246 -
Part 4:
Improvements to handling dates in sleeplog as a follow-up to work on #1243 in the previous release.
Added warning when there are two accelerometer recordings with the same participant ID.
Change extraction of imputation code from sleep diary, which is now assumed to
correspond to preceding night. #1251
Part 1, 5 and 6: Update code to be backward compatible with R 4.2.0
Part 5: Default values for parameters
to TRUE, forsave_ms5raw_format
changed to "RData" in order to ease generating visual
report, including our explorative nap detection, and working with part 6.
Part 4:
Speed up the loading of advanced format sleeplog
Improve automated recognition of date format in sleeplog
Part 3:
Identification of daylight saving time days in the detection of the spt is improved as it had the risk to misclassify partial last days as daylight saving time.
In days classified as daysleeper, the window over which the fraction_night_invalid is calculated now also shifts to 6pm-6pm, as it used to report the nonwear within 12pm-12pm.
Vignette: Document that missing dates can be skipped i advanced format sleeplog
Step detection: Include R script for Verisense step detection inside GitHub repository 'user-scripts' folder to ease future maintenance.
- Part 4: Parameter sib_must_fully_overlap_with_TimeInBed added to control whether sib should overlap fully with the start and/or end of time in bed to be considered sleep (default TRUE),
this is consistent with functionality in the past. #1223 - Part 5: Expand functionality for exploring possibility of nap detection, this includes the addition of new parameter possible_nap_gap.
- Visual report: Added new visualreport that is automatically generated when visualreport = TRUE and intended to eventually replace the problematic legacy report. Add parameter old_visualreport to turn off the old visualreport generation. #1173
- Part 4 + 5 + visualreport: If sleeplog has both reported sleeplog and time in bed process both. In part 4 we will still use one of the two but in the visualreport we display both. #967
- Part 2: Add parameters nonwearFiltermaxHours and nonwearFilterWindow to give user the option to filter short lasting nighttime nonwear #1218.
- Part 5 and 6: part6_threshold_combi when not specified now defaults to first threshold as
specified for light, moderate and vigorous intensity respectively. - Part 4: Handle unexpected combinations of sleep diary column names. For example, if only inbed and wakeup are available then treat these as the time in bed period, while if only sleeponset and outbed are available then these are treated as SPT window.
Part 3: Improved handling of DST, #1225
Part 2: Code revisions in preparation for expansion of functionality to better facilitate external function produced event data. #653 and #1228
Part 1: Ad-hoc csv file formats (read.myacc.csv functionality) now also excepts "UNIXmsec" as optional timestamp format. #1233
Part 5: Improved handling of partially available and non-available qwindow segments in the recording #1229
(this is a GitHub only release, there will be no matching release on CRAN)
Part 6:
Add DFA functionality #839 (credits: Ian Meneghel Danilevicz and Victor Barreto Mesquita)
Add fragmentation metrics, same function as in part 5 but now applied at recording level #839
Circadian rhythm analysis now ignore invalid nights controlled with new parameter "includecrit.part6".
Circadian rhythm analysis now provides consistent results for both regardless of whether time series are stored with or without valid windows with parameter save_ms5raw_without_invalid.
Part 2 + 6: Revised and simplified IV and IS calculation which now ignores invalid timestamps and also comes with phi statistic (credits: Ian Meneghel Danilevicz). In part 2 we used to have 2 calculation, which is now replaced by just one and applied to all valid data points in the recordings. In part 6 this is repeated by for the time window as specified with parameter part6Window. Further, IVIS now uses argument threshold.lig as threshold to distinguish inactivity from active.
Part 2: Increase sensitivity clipping detection from 80% to 30% of a window. If the long epoch has more than 30% of its values close to the dynamic range of the sensor then it will be labelled as clipping.
Part 4: Now also has copy of part 5 variable ACC_spt_mg.
Part 5:
Moving LXMX from part 5 to part 6 as these are circadian rhythm analysis.
Omitted fragmentation metrics for spt window as not meaningful given that part 5 only focusses on valid daytime behaviours.
includenightcrit.part5 added to allow for controlling inclusion of windows in part 5 based on their amount of valid data during spt window. Default remains the same.
Fix incorrect usage of part 5 inclusion criteria testing, which used fraction as percentage.
General: GGIR version look-up in .onattach() no longer crashes when computer is offline, fixes #1203.
Reports: The calendar_date and filename columns in csv reports have been standardized, as %Y-%m-%d and the input accelerometer file name, respectively. #1197
Part 1: Reverse default value for nonwear_range_threshold as changed in 3.1-3 back to 150 as more research needed to support the change. #1172
Part 1: Tidied up code in internal function detect_nonwear_clipping.R to ease future reviews. #1212
Part 4: Undo changes to 3 line in g.part4 function from commit 3b9e2b7 (in between 3.1-1 and 3.1-2 release in June 2024) which broke functionality for handling sleep that starts before the double DST hour in the autumn and ends inside it. #1221
Part 5:
Add parameters require_complete_lastnight_part5 to control whether last window is included if last night is incomplete. #1196
Handle sleeplog times beyond the end of the recording. #1206
Fixed minor bug in g.part5.addfirstwake causing the first wake is not correctly added when no SIBs are detected in between the start of the recorded and the algorithm or diary based estimate of wakeup time. #1198
Revise MM window definition in daylight saving time days, as it assumed fixed day duration of 24 hours #1211
Part 3: Update threshold used for HorAngle to 60 degree, and auto-setting HASPT.ignore.invalid to NA when NotWorn guider is used. #1186
Part 4:
Fixed issue with merging sleeplog advanced format and acc data starting at midnight, #1188
When sleeplog column name is accidentally left empty generate error message, #1138.
Improved logging of what guider was used when using NotWorn and optional backup guider, #1156
Skip night in part 4 csv report if guider was NotWorn, #1156
Part 5: Fixed bug in g.part5.wakesleepwindows causing the first SPT window in a recording incorrectly to be defined from the first timestamp in the recording. For details see: #1192