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Cloning the Repository

peteredwards edited this page Aug 24, 2021 · 1 revision

If you want to make large numbers of changes to multiple files on the site, it may be easier to do so by downloading the site from GitHub to your computer and working on the files there. Downloading the site is done by cloning the repository - there are a number of ways to achieve this, but all depend on the availability of git on your computer (if you don't have git installed, you can download it here).

Connecting to GitHub

You have a number of options for connecting with GitHub to clone repositories. If you are planning to do this regularly, the easiest option is to use SSH or the GitHub CLI. Using SSH requires you to set up an SSH key on your computer and upload the public part of it to your GitHub account - there is some help on managing SSH keys available on GitHub.

The GitHub CLI simplifies some of the operations in GitHub and provides additional commands to manage pull requests - if you want to do everything from the command line - this is the tool for you! See the documentation at:

Cloning the repository

You first need the URL of the repository, which is shown when you click on the code button.

The process of downloading a repository so you can work on it locally is called cloning. There is help available on GitHub - to clone the RDL handbook you would type this at the command line:

git clone

This would create a subdirectory jekyll-theme-uol in the directory you ran the command from, and put all the files in the main branch there.

Clone this wiki locally