React.js / Node.js / JavaScript / HTML / CSS / Python
Driven and versatile, I'm a multi-disciplinary engineer with experience in product design and development. As a mechanical engineer, I worked in mechanical design, prototyping, and manufacturing. Industries I've worked in: consulting, consumer electronics, medical devices, and solar.
- ✏️ I’m currently working on... Revamping an charity website
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on... Effective Altruism
- 🌱 I’m currently learning... Security, Authentication, and Authorization
- 📫 How to reach me...
- 😄 Pronouns... they/them
- ⚡ Fun fact... I type in Dvorak!
☝️ Check out my Web Dev, Mechanical Engineering and Art projects at Behance!
PS - If there are a bunch of empty squares in my github contribution, that's because I was over at CodeSignal, playing with algorithm problems instead: