By Tzong-Lian Tsay
Lambda School Student, Unit 4
Nov 16-20, 2020
Project Brief:
Method | Endpoint | Request Body | Token Type | JSON Response |
GET - fetch all classes | /classes | N/A | N/A | Array of Class Objects |
GET - fetch a class by ID | /classes/:id | N/A | N/A | Class Object |
GET - fetch all students by class's ID | /classes/:id/students | N/A | Admin or Instructor* | Array of Student Objects |
POST - a student to a class ID | /classes/:id/students | { student_id: integer } | Admin or Student* | < Success Message > |
PUT - edit a class | /classes/:id | { class_name: string , class_type: string, class_start: string, class_duration: integer, class_intensity: string, class_location: string, class_maxStudents: integer } |
Admin or Instructor* | < Success Message > |
DELETE - delete a class | /classes/:id | N/A | Admin or Instructor* | < Success Message > |
DELETE - delete a student from a class | /classes/:id/students | {student_id: integer} | Admin or Student* | < Success Message > |
Method | Endpoint | Request Body | Token Type | JSON Response |
GET - fetch all students | /students | N/A | Admin* | Array of Student Objects |
GET - fetch a student by ID | /students/:id | N/A | Admin or Student* | Student Object |
GET - fetch a student's classes | /students/:id/classes | N/A | Admin or Student* | Array of Class Objects |
POST - Login | /students/login | { student_email: string, student_password: string } |
N/A | { < Success Message >, student_id: integer, token: string } |
POST - add a student | /students/new | { student_email: string (unique), student_name: string, student_password: string } |
N/A | < Success Message > |
PUT - edit a student | /students/:id | { student_email: string (unique), student_name: string, student_password: string } |
Admin or Student* | < Success Message > |
DELETE - delete a student | /students/:id | N/A | Admin or Student* | < Success Message > |
Method | Endpoint | Request Body | Token Type | JSON Response |
GET - fetch all instructors | /instructors | N/A | N/A | Array of Instructor Objects |
GET - fetch an instructor by ID | /instructors/:id | N/A | N/A | Instructor Object |
GET - fetch all classes by instructor's ID | /instructors/:id/classes | N/A | N/A | Array of Class Objects |
POST - Login | /instructors/login | { instructor_email: string, instructor_password: string } |
N/A | { < Success Message >, instructor_id: integer, token: string } |
POST - add an instructor | /instructors/new | { instructor_email: string (unique), instructor_name: string, instructor_password: string } |
N/A | < Success Message > |
POST - a new class by instructor's ID | /instructors/:id/classes/new | { class_name: string , class_type: string, class_start: string, class_duration: integer, class_intensity: string, class_location: string, class_maxStudents: integer } |
Admin or Instructor* | < Success Message > |
PUT - edit an instructor | /instructors/:id | { instructor_email: string (unique), instructor_name: string, instructor_password: string } |
Admin or Instructor* | < Success Message > |
DELETE - delete an instructor | /instructors/:id | N/A | Admin or Instructor* | < Success Message > |
* - Currently all registered users can make all requests. Future update will check tokens for Admin user or Student/Instructor ID owner. (Pull request made.)
Example Student Login Credentials:
{ "student_email": "", "student_password": "Donuts123"}
Example Instructor Login Credentials:
{ "instructor_email": "", "instructor_password": "Luigi123"}
- All passwords are hashed, then saved in the database.
- Token created on user login (expires in 7 days).
- Checks:
- Cannot register an email more than once (once each for student and instructor)
- Cannot duplicate-enroll a student in a class.
- Cannot unregister a student from a class if they were not registered to begin with.
- Check tokens for Admin user or Student/Instructor ID. (Pull Request made)
- Current code is development mode only. Add code for testing and production modes.
- Write more back-end endpoint tests.
- Rewrite database to have only one user database, instead of separate databases for Students and Instructors.