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blizz edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 8 revisions

page is used by and wraps the content of the tags <index-page>, <show-page>, <edit-page>, and <new-page>
table{border:1px solid black}.
|.Attribute|.Description|.Default Value|.Example|
|title| | | |
|full-title| | | |

Parameter Tag Description Default Content
head <head>    
title <title>    
stylesheets <do>    
scripts <do>    
javascript <javascript>    
body <body>    
fix-ie6 <if-ie>    
ajax-progress <ajax-progress>    
header <header>    
app-name <h1>    
live-search <live-search>    
account-nav <account-nav>    
main-nav <main-nav>    
content <section>    
page-footer <footer>    
page-scripts <page-scripts>    

Base <page> tag defined in rapid_pages.dryml

<def tag="page" attrs="title, full-title"> <% full_title ||= "#{title} : #{app_name}" %> <html merge-attrs> <head param> <title param><%= strip_tags full_title %></title> <do param="stylesheets"> <stylesheet name="reset"/> <stylesheet name="hobo-rapid"/> <theme-stylesheet/> <stylesheet name="application"/>

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