An ecologically inspired multi-agent system. Agents are designed with neural network based decision making, and complex resource requirements.
Jan 12, 2020 - C#
A genre of video game allowing players to control the game on a large scale with divine and supernatural powers.
An ecologically inspired multi-agent system. Agents are designed with neural network based decision making, and complex resource requirements.
3D artificial life simulator
Create and Evolve AI animal robots
A bunch of explorations of "Particle Life"; emergent behavior in a particle system
Experiments with Artificial Life using C# and Gtk
User interface for programming and simulating 2D Turing Machines (Turmites) done in Mono and GTK
Gene Hackman is a framework for genetic programming. A novel feature is that it supports an ongoing tournament mode, where programs compete in real time rather than well-defined and distinct generations. This lends itself to certain problems well, such as those where programs can interact with each other. It also supports parallelizing the simul…
This project is an artificial life/ecosystem simulator that I am currently developing personally.
A highly-abstracted form of compact ML - NOTE: Complete rewrite in progress...