Planning via gradient-based optimization in continuous MDPs using TensorFlow.
tf-plan is an implementation based on the NIPS 2017 paper:
Wu Ga, Buser Say, and Scott Sanner, 2017
Scalable Planning with Tensorflow for Hybrid Nonlinear Domains.
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 6273-6283).
tf-plan is a Python3.5+ package available in PyPI.
$ pip3 install -U tf-plan
tf-plan solves discrete time MDPs with continuous state-action spaces and deterministic transitions.
The domains/instances are specified using the RDDL language.
It is built on Python3's RDDL toolkit:
- pyrddl: RDDL lexer/parser in Python3.
- rddl2tf: RDDL2TensorFlow compiler.
- rddlgym: A toolkit for working with RDDL domains in Python3.
Please refer to the projects' documentation for further details.
$ tfplan --help
Usage: tfplan [OPTIONS] [tensorplan|straightline|hindsight] RDDL
Planning via gradient-based optimization in TensorFlow.
RDDL Filename or rddlgym domain/instance id.
-b, --batch-size INTEGER Number of trajectories in a batch.
[default: 128]
-hr, --horizon INTEGER Number of timesteps. [default: 40]
-e, --epochs INTEGER Number of training epochs. [default: 500]
--optimizer [Adadelta|Adagrad|Adam|GradientDescent|ProximalGradientDescent|ProximalAdagrad|RMSProp]
[default: GradientDescent]
-lr, --learning-rate FLOAT Optimizer's learning rate. [default: 0.001]
-n, --num-samples INTEGER Number of runs. [default: 1]
--num-workers INTEGER RANGE Number of worker processes (min=1, max=12).
[default: 1]
--logdir PATH Directory used for logging training
summaries. [default: /tmp/tfplan/]
-v, --verbose Verbosity flag.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
$ tfplan tensorplan Navigation-v1 -b 32 -hr 20 -e 200 --optimizer RMSProp -lr 0.05
location(x) location(y) move(x) move(y) distance(z1) distance(z2) deceleration(z1) deceleration(z2) reward done
0 0.000000 1.000000 0.997812 0.251873 6.103278 2.500000 0.998212 0.905148 -11.313708 0.0
1 0.901553 1.227575 0.997849 0.928313 5.244620 1.870730 0.995207 0.808415 -10.526089 0.0
2 1.704362 1.974440 0.997174 0.994867 4.152069 1.045723 0.983263 0.556283 -9.433639 0.0
3 2.249789 2.518605 0.991678 0.996339 3.389630 0.891024 0.960244 0.488901 -8.664492 0.0
4 2.715346 2.986350 0.891563 0.996716 2.740580 1.215423 0.917949 0.622608 -8.005720 0.0
5 3.224894 3.555996 0.421230 0.996869 2.010508 1.812289 0.819746 0.795918 -7.241465 0.0
6 3.499726 4.206403 0.444045 0.996535 1.528732 2.335447 0.705929 0.885625 -6.575032 0.0
7 3.777337 4.829425 0.924151 0.995804 1.266264 2.921140 0.621903 0.941680 -5.935030 0.0
8 4.318551 5.412601 0.984080 0.992210 1.138953 3.710104 0.574958 0.976961 -5.140282 0.0
9 4.871320 5.969937 0.985487 0.985184 1.475559 4.492920 0.690257 0.990931 -4.355447 0.0
10 5.545391 6.643800 0.975556 0.964462 2.212087 5.444489 0.854325 0.997096 -3.402467 0.0
11 6.376412 7.465371 0.940539 0.905565 3.269241 6.612030 0.954476 0.999284 -2.234082 0.0
12 7.273490 8.329092 0.739812 0.695562 4.453168 7.856998 0.988132 0.999839 -0.988905 0.0
13 8.004405 9.016289 0.029843 0.117345 5.424326 8.860193 0.996100 0.999952 -0.016874 0.0
14 8.034130 9.133170 -0.087813 -0.059488 5.538250 8.961620 0.996578 0.999957 -0.137474 0.0
15 7.946621 9.073888 0.021886 -0.044026 5.440866 8.857259 0.996173 0.999952 -0.091152 0.0
16 7.968422 9.030033 0.021429 -0.015050 5.415970 8.843177 0.996062 0.999951 -0.043579 0.0
17 7.989765 9.015043 -0.013826 0.016563 5.415193 8.848604 0.996059 0.999951 -0.018195 0.0
18 7.975994 9.031540 -0.028730 0.037703 5.421383 8.849745 0.996087 0.999951 -0.039636 0.0
19 7.947378 9.069093 0.010496 -0.030616 5.437246 8.854523 0.996157 0.999951 -0.086850 1.0
Please refer to for the code documentation.
If you are having issues with tf-plan, please let me know at:
Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Thiago Pereira Bueno All Rights Reserved.
tf-plan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
tf-plan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with tf-plan. If not, see