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Thomas Euler edited this page Feb 12, 2022 · 75 revisions


Robotling2 is a small, simple 6-legged robot using the new Raspberry Pi microcontroller RP2040 as brain. To move around, it uses a simplified tripod walk that requires only three servo motors - inspired by a 20 year old book called "Insectronics".



  • Robotling2 PCB hosts a RP2040 Pico
  • Board controls 3 servos and features a "sensor port" with connectors for 3 analog sensors (5V-tolerant), 1 digital I/O, I²C, and UART, as well as 5V and 3.3V power.
  • Fits an optional color display (Pico Display Pack)
  • All parts 3D printed (except battery case)
  • Requires only 3 micro servos (e.g. Tower Pro MG90)
  • Runs on a ~1Ah 1-cell Lipo battery


For project history, see release notes in ReadMe.


Drawing Featured in Make 6`21.



  1. Mechanics
  2. Electronics, PCB and parts
  3. Sensoren (DE)
  4. Software - MMBasic
    4.1 Running the robot with MMBasic
    4.2 Kommentare zum Programm (DE)
    4.3 Building PicoMite MMBasic
  5. Software - MicroPython
    5.1 Running the robot with MicroPython
    5.2 Building MicroPython for the Pico
  6. Erweiterungen & Modifikationen (DE)

Repository structure

├───boards                         PCB as .fzz (Fritzing), BOM as .pdf
|    ├───mmbasic                   MMBasic code
|    └───micropython               MicroPython code
├───pictures                       Pictures for WiKi
└───printed_parts                  Printed parts, .stl, .fcstd


  1. Werkzeuge und Material (DE | EN)
  2. Aufbau
    2.1 Mechanik (DE | EN)
    2.2 Aufbau und Hinweise (DE | EN)
    2.3 Elektronik und Platine (DE | EN)
  3. Sensoren (DE | EN)
  4. Demo (DE | EN)
  5. Erweiterungen & Modifikationen
    5.1 Alternatives Display (DE | EN)
    5.2 CO2-Wächter (DE | EN)
  6. Galerie (DE | EN)
  7. Software - MMBasic
    7.1 MMBasic zum Laufen bringen (DE | EN)
    7.2 Kommentare zum Programm (DE | EN)
    7.3 Robotling API (DE | EN)
    7.4 Building PicoMite MMBasic (DE | EN)
  8. Software - MicroPython
    8.1 Running MicroPython (DE | EN)
    8.2 Building MicroPython (DE | EN)
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