Releases: slawkens/myaac
MyAAC v0.8.10
Officially PHP 7.2.5 is now required, cause of Twig 2.x, unofficially it was required since 0.8.8
Most of the users have it anyway.
Rest of the changes are mostly bug-fixes.
- PHP 7.2.5 is now required, cause of Twig 2.x
- allow pages to be placed in templates folder, under pages/ subfolder
- Twig error with global variable on create account
- links/redirects from facebook, etc. like ?fbclid=x
- do not allow to continue install when there is no server database imported
- cannot go forward when config.local.php cannot be saved
- when server uses another items serializer
- small bug on install - please fill all input
MyAAC v0.8.9
- You can now disable server status checking for testing purposes, useful for local testing when there is no server running
- with this, the page won't need 2 seconds to load
- set status_enabled to false in config.php
- new buttons code for tibiacom template, can create button with any text
- patched some small changes from develop branch
- add .git to denied folders in nginx-sample.conf
- plugins folder is now accessible from outside
- add plugins folder to twig search paths
- player save on tfs 1.5 with new ipv6
- more php 8.x compatibility
- rel path for exception message, causing message to be not in red background
MyAAC v0.8.8
Mostly bug fixes release, with some new small features.
- mail confirmed reward
- support for latest group changes in TFS
- new function: escapeHtml
- TinyMCE to v4.9.1 (latest release in 4.x series)
- Twig to v2.15.4
- you can now place custom pages in your template directory under pages/ folder
- HOOK_LOGOUT parameters, now only account_id is passed
- ipv6 introduced in latest TFS
- config.account_premium_days for TFS 1.4+
- better compatibility with GesiorAAC
- better PHP 8.1 compatibility
- myaac_ db table detection failure
- reload creatures error, when items cache has been cleared
- accounts.blocked column, which is not used by AAC
MyAAC v0.8.7
Hello fellow AAC fans :)
This is mostly bug fixing release, but also adding login.php for newest clients, so you don't need to install it separately by plugin.
Full Changelog:
- login.php for client 12.x is now part of official repo
- browsehappy code
- config use character sample skill (#201, @gpedro)
- custom words blocked (#190, @gpedro)
- save php sessions in myaac dir
- don't count deleted players when creating new character
- patch vulnerability in change_rank.php (#194, @gesior, @thatmichaelguy)
- fix guild invite page (#196, @worthdavi)
- players not showing on highscores page (#195)
- highscores page bug with high pages
- $player->getStorage() does not work at all (#169, @gesior)
- copying sample character when it have items with quotes (#200, @gpedro)
- IPv6 issue when env is set to dev (#171)
- admin page changed feet to match body colour (#174, @silic0nalph4)
- exception being thrown when creating duplicated character name (#191)
- rules page formatting (#177, @silic0nalph4)
- account character create if auto_login is enabled
- undefined variable notice on database_log enabled
- removed VERSION file
MyAAC v0.8.6
This update contains a very important security fix.
I deleted all other releases of 0.8.x series, including downloads counter, so you won't download vulnerable version.
Please download only this release if you want to use latest MyAAC features and want to be on the safe side.
- change guild nick function causing crash on TFS 1.x because of invalid characters being accepted
- PHP Mailer autoload function on newer PHP
- gesior signature guild rank loading
- leaking database password when cannot connect
- config.last_kills_limit being ignored
- monster.loot being cutted off cause of too short column (changed to TEXT)
- nginx-sample.conf
- support for some old servers, where arrays are used in config.lua
- an additional text to the install page informing that user can reinstall MyAAC by deleting config.local.php
- XSS in forum show_thread
- guilds - "Add new rank" function
- multiple mail recipients when using admin mailer function
- Admin Panel - MyAAC logs not shown if servers logs directory doesn't exist (#47)
- missing prefix for cache get() and delete() functions
- add fatal error message when myaac tables in database do not exist
- the mystical defect where "Create Account" button was not highlighted (on the account/manage page)
- bug where server_config table does not exist (OTHire as an example)
- database_name in Usage_Statistics
- forgot to open in install template
- do not display software version
MyAAC 0.7.10
With this update, I'm starting to write changelogs grouped by types.
- new configurable: smtp_secure
- robots.txt
- editing an existing page that had php enabled
- chrome bug on save (when editing page) ERR_BLOCKED_BY_XSS_AUDITOR
- showing IP and Port in admin panel (#44, by miqueiaspenha)
- deleting plugin showing "You don't have rights to delete"
- some bug with PHPMailer not finding its language file
- default value
- saving some really high long ip addresses
- update config.highscores_ids_hidden on install when there are samples already in database
- auto add z_polls table on install
- changed mb_strtolower functions to strtolower()
- added new function: $hooks->exist($type)
MyAAC 0.7.9
- removed 6mb of trash (some useless things)
- (fix) TFS 1.x not showing promoted vocations in highscores
- otserv 0.6.x: fixed some warning (on the characters page) and fatal mysql error (on the mango signature)
- fixed default stamina on otserv 0.6.x engine (and some others perhaps)
- install: change permission check to is_writable
- changed highscores_groups_hidden to 3 (for TFS 1.x)
- updated background-artwork (tibiacom template) to the latest version, removed other ones
MyAAC 0.7.7
- important fix for servers with promotion column (caused player.vocation to be resetted when saving player, for example: on change name, accept invite to guild, leave guild) (#36)
- immediately reload config.lua when there's change in config.server_path detected
- added new forum option: "Enable HTML" (only for moderators)
- fixed othire default column value (#26)
- fixed saving custom vocations in admin panel (#36)
- fixed warning in highscores when vocation doesn't exist
- fixed characters page - config.characters.frags "Notice: Use of undefined constant"
- fixed getBoolean function when boolean is passed
- fixed empty success message on leave guild
- fixed displaying premium account days
- function OTS_Account:getPremDays will now return -1 if there's freePremium configurable enabled on the server
- fixed tr bgcolor in characters view (Frags) (#38)
- fixed some warning in guild show
- fixed PHP warning about country not existing on online and characters pages
- fixed forum bbcode parsing
- don't add extra <br/> to the TinyMCE news forum posts
- (internal) using $player->getVocationName() where possible instead of older method