SLAM system
docker build --build-arg user_id=99 -t slam:dev .
./ docker_image local_slam_repo_path local_dataset_path wlinterace(Run ifconfig and copy the wl interace id. (eg:wlxd0356714af3b)
./ slam:dev /home/christie/projects/slam/work/slam /home/christie/projects/slam/dataset/ wlxd0356714af3b
cd ~/slam
catkin_make -DAPP=apps/elastic_fusion.cpp
Build system : cmake or catkin_make
Assuming Opencv and CUDA is installed, run
catkin_make -DAPP=apps/elastic_fusion_file.cpp
Working input state:
rgb info:
img.type :16(CV_8UC3)
range :0-255
depth info:
img.type :2(CV_16UC1)
range :0-5000
Benchmark is done on the iclnuim living room dataset
Metrics | ATE | RPE | PC Alignment score |
Score | 0.018483 | 0.0231662926318 | 0.00750245 |