- This project is built with the Basic SPA Scaffold. To get started with the project, go here and follow the instructions. Be sure to read the instructions carefully.
- Project deployed here, using AWS Amplify.
In order for the website to work properly, please enable 3rd-party cookies in your browser settings! - Corresponding Back-end repository
- Back-end deployment, using Heroku Postgres.
- Back-end endpoints documentation, using Swagger.
- Clone the repo locally to your machine.
- Create an .env file on the top level of the repo, with the provided credentials.
- run:
npm install
to download all dependencies. - run:
npm start
to start your local development server.
- Primary Action color: #3f51b5
- Seconday "Disabled" color: #7f9bb3
Table columns can be sorted by clicking on column headers as well as added or removed by clicking the "columns" button
Clicking "search" on either case or judge table will open a panel with advanced searchability to filter out unwanted case information using set key words
Cases and Judges can be saved to a user profile by checking their row's select box and clicking the save button, this will add them to the saved cases or saved judges page
All pages will route to either a case overview page by clicking case ID or a judge page by clicking a judge's name. These pages need more styling and further refining to pull in data from the backend / DS for visualizations and secondary tables
PDF viewer pops up a modal, more work is needed to make it functional
Case File Review Queue - This feature needs to be created so that when users submit a new case file, it is sent to the review queue for admin users to approve and send them to the list of all cases or reject and delete them from the database.
A user can now upload a pdf file which is sent to the DS team to analyze. Still need to get a response back of the scrapped data to populate edit fields so that the user can verify scraped data before submitting.
Case outcome pie chart dynamically renders based on searches
- PDF Modal (clicking “View PDF”) doesn’t work and causes errors when clicked
- The adminData and userData functions do not work currently as there are no endpoints for distinguishing between user types and the components do not exist
- Sometimes https://a.humanrightsfirstasylum.dev/ gets stuck on “Fetching user profile” after signing in. The current workaround is to clear localStorage. Updating Okta may have fixed this problem.
Ava Wingfield | Tom Bauer | Ryan Lee |
Tzong-Lian Tsay | Trevor Beadle | Reuben Palumbo |
Anna Brander | Maycie Morris | Lynda Santiago |
Matt Bokovitz | Rees Harper | Nathaniel Patterson |
Dionne Stratton | Krista Verleger | |