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Chris Hamons edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 5 revisions

id: title:Xamarin.Mac version:3.3.0 releasedate:2017-03-01

Master Daily Builds This version of Xamarin.Mac will ship as part of Xamarin **dev15.2** releases.


  • The latest features and API requires Xcode 8.2 and the bundled macOS SDKs;
  • Apple Xcode 8.2 requires a Mac running OSX 10.11.5 (El Capitan) or newer;

What's New

This release is built upon our open sourced SDK, using the master branch, and include some additional IDE integration tools.

Assembly Registration Event

During startup the Xamarin.Mac runtime must register all NSObject based classes with the Cocoa runtime. You can read about some detail here.

In a vast majority of cases the default behavior of using the Dynamic Registrar in Debug configuration and Static Registrar in Release is acceptable. However, some very large applications may want to customize this behavior, so a registration event has been added ObjCRuntime.Runtime.AssemblyRegistration.

Applications that register with this event can return false to skip registration of types in a given assemblies (and it's dependencies). Be aware any NSObject derived types declared in any skipped assembly may be subtly broken, so caution is advised with this feature.

API diff

This is a live document so there's no static list to link to. However our Jenkins bots produce this information for every commit that is being built. Pick on based on master and look for the API diff link on the left column.

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