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MetalPerformanceShaders iOS xcode9 beta4

Sebastien Pouliot edited this page Jul 24, 2017 · 1 revision


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2017-06-30 01:02:30.000000000 -0400
+++ /Applications/	2017-07-14 04:30:41.000000000 -0400
@@ -56,6 +56,21 @@
  *  -  collection of kernels to implement and run neural networks using previously obtained training data, on the GPU
  *  -  new image processing filters to perform color-conversion and for building a gaussian pyramid
+ *  In iOS11, MetalPerformanceShaders.framework adds support for the following kernels:
+ *  -  Image Processing Filters:  FindKeypoints, Statistics (Min-Max, Mean-Variance, Mean), Arithmetic Operations, Bilinear scale
+ *                                Histogram filter takes a minPixelThresholdValue when computing histogram
+ *  -  Linear Algebra Primitives: Triangular, LU and Cholesky Solvers, LU and Cholesky Decomposition
+ *                                Support for multiple input types for Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
+ *                                Matrix-Vector Multiply (gemv)
+ *  -  Convolution Neural Networks:  New Neuron Functions: HardSigmoid, SoftELU, ELU, PReLU, ReLUN
+ *                                   Convolution Transpose, Depth-wise Convolution, Dilated Convolution, Sub-pixel Convolution
+ *                                   Dilated Pooling, Upsampling
+ *  -  Recurrent Neural Networks
+ *  -  A neural network graph API that makes it easy to create and execute neural networks on the GPU
+ *
+ *  The MetalPerformanceShaders.framework is now also available as API in macOS 10.13.  All primitives/filters supported
+ *  by the framework in iOS 11 are also avalable on macOS 10.13.
+ *
  *  @subsection subsection_usingMPS  Using MPS
  *  To use MPS:
  *   @code
@@ -175,7 +190,7 @@
  *  label, should one be required. From this are derived the MPSUnaryImageKernel and MPSBinaryImageKernel
  *  sub-classes which define shared behavior for most image processing kernels (filters) such as
  *  edging modes, clipping and tiling support for image operations that consume one or two source textures.
- *  Neither these or the MPSKernel are typically be used directly. They just provide API abstraction
+ *  Neither these or the MPSKernel are typically used directly. They just provide API abstraction
  *  and in some cases may allow some level of polymorphic manipulation of MPS image kernel objects.
  *  Subclasses of the MPSUnaryImageKernel and MPSBinaryImageKernel provide specialized -init and -encode 
@@ -282,22 +297,24 @@
  *  @subsubsection  subsubsection_options  MPSKernelOptions
  *  Each MPSKernel takes a MPSKernelOptions bit mask to indicate various options to use when running the filter:
- *
+ *  @code
  *      typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, MPSKernelOptions)
- *      MPSKernelOptionsNone                     Use default options
+ *      MPSKernelOptionsNone
+ *             Use default options
- *      MPSKernelOptionsSkipAPIValidation        Do not spend time looking at parameters passed to MPS
- *                                              for errors.
- *
- *      MPSKernelOptionsAllowReducedPrecision    When possible, MPSKernels use a higher precision data representation internally than
- *                                              the destination storage format to avoid excessive accumulation of computational
- *                                              rounding error in the result. MPSKernelOptionsAllowReducedPrecision advises the
- *                                              MPSKernel that the destination storage format already has too much precision for
- *                                              what is ultimately required downstream, and the MPSKernel may use reduced precision
- *                                              internally when it feels that a less precise result would yield better performance.
- *                                              When enabled, the precision of the result may vary by hardware and operating system.
+ *      MPSKernelOptionsSkipAPIValidation
+ *          Do not spend time looking at parameters passed to MPS for errors.
+ *      MPSKernelOptionsAllowReducedPrecision
+ *          When possible, MPSKernels use a higher precision data representation internally than
+ *          the destination storage format to avoid excessive accumulation of computational
+ *          rounding error in the result. MPSKernelOptionsAllowReducedPrecision advises the
+ *          MPSKernel that the destination storage format already has too much precision for
+ *          what is ultimately required downstream, and the MPSKernel may use reduced precision
+ *          internally when it feels that a less precise result would yield better performance.
+ *          When enabled, the precision of the result may vary by hardware and operating system.
+ *  @endcode
  *  @section subsection_availableFilters     Available MPSKernels
  *  @subsection subsection_convolution  Image Convolution
@@ -575,6 +592,8 @@
  *      MPSCNNNeuronSoftPlus            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A parametric SoftPlus neuron activation function a*log(1+e**(b*x))
  *      MPSCNNNeuronSoftSign            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A SoftSign neuron activation function x/(1+|x|)
  *      MPSCNNNeuronELU                 <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A parametric ELU neuron activation function x<0 ? (a*(e**x-1)) : x
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronReLUN               <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A rectified linear N neuron activation function min((x >= 0 ? x : a * x), b)
+ *      MPSCNNNeuronPReLU               <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       ReLU, except a different a value is provided for each feature channel
  *      MPSCNNConvolution               <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A 4D convolution tensor
  *      MPSCNNConvolutionTranspose      <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A 4D convolution transpose tensor
  *      MPSCNNFullyConnected            <MPSNeuralNetwork/MPSCNNConvolution.h>       A fully connected CNN layer
@@ -611,13 +630,10 @@
  *  the application can make a large MPSImage or MPSTemporaryImage and fill in parts of it with multiple layers
  *  (as long as the destination feature channel offset is a multiple of 4).
- *  The standard MPSCNNConvolution operator also does dilated convolution and sub-pixel convolution. There are
- *  also bit-wise convolution operators that can use only a single bit for precision of the weights. The
- *  precision of the image can be reduced to 1 bit in this case as well.  The bit {0,1} represents {-1,1}.
- *
- *  @subsection subsection_RNN     Recurrent Neural Networks
- *
- *  @subsection subsection_matrix_primitives     Matrix Primitives
+ *  The standard MPSCNNConvolution operator also does dilated convolution, sub-pixel convolution and
+ *  depth-wise convolution. There are also bit-wise convolution operators that can use only a single bit
+ *  for precision of the weights. The precision of the image can be reduced to 1 bit in this case as well.
+ *  The bit {0,1} represents {-1,1}.
  *  Some CNN Tips:
  *  - Think carefully about the edge mode requested for pooling layers. The default is clamp to zero, but there
@@ -645,6 +661,11 @@
  *  - Because MPS encodes its work in place in your MTLCommandBuffer, you always have the option to insert your own
  *      code in between MPSCNNKernels as a Metal shader for tasks not covered by MPS. You need not use MPS for everything.
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_RNN     Recurrent Neural Networks
+ *
+ *  @subsection subsection_matrix_primitives     Matrix Primitives
+ *
  *  @section  section_validation    MPS API validation
  *  MPS uses the same API validation layer that Metal uses to alert you to API mistakes while
  *  you are developing your code. While this option is turned on (Xcode: Edit Scheme: options: Metal API Validation),
@@ -869,6 +890,25 @@
  *  be exceptionally costly because the wait for new work to appear allows the GPU clock to spin down.
  *  Factor of two or more performance increases are common with -addCompletedHandler:.
+ *  A graph can also be encoded using the higher level -[MPSNNGraph executeAsyncWithSourceImages:completionHandler:]
+ *  which requires minimal experience with Metal. Assuming you have already gotten a list of MPSImages as input
+ *  to your graph (typically one), you may use that instead:
+ *
+ *  @code
+ *      MPSImage * result = [k[0] executeAsyncWithSourceImages: @[image]
+ *                                           completionHandler: ^(MPSImage * __nullable i, NSError * __nullable error ){
+ *          if( error)
+ *              MyLogError("Error: -computeAsyncWithSourceImages:completionHandler: failed: %s\n\t",
+ *                   [error.localizedDescription cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding],
+ *                   [error.localizedFailureReason cStringUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]);
+ *
+ *          MyProcessResult(i);
+ *      }];
+ *  @endcode
+ *  The image returned directly from the left hand side of -executeAsyncWithSourceImages:completionHandler:
+ *  and passed into the completion hander are the same. The contents of the image will be valid once the
+ *  completion handler is called.
+ *
  *  @section  subsection_mpsnngraph_sizing   MPSNNGraph intermediate image sizing and centering
  *  The MPSNNGraph will automatically size and center the intermediate images that appear in the graph.
  *  However, different neural network frameworks do so differently. In addition, some filters may 
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