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R2 Uppity Spinner

This is the sketch for the R2 Uppity Spinner V2 (using TB9051FTG).

Uppity Spinner

Default baud rate is 9600 baud and the default I2C address is 32 (0x20). Both can be changed using the configuration commands below.

After installing your board you should run the #PSC calibration command.

If you want a snappy hyper caffinated periscope you should use a 6V lifter motor. If you want a slower more deliberate periscope you should use a 12V lifter motor.

Libraries Used

Assembling R2 Uppity Spinner PCB Part 1


Assembling R2 Uppity Spinner PCB Part 2


Configure commands

#PSC: Calibration routine. Will store results in EEPROM if successful Examples:


#PZERO: Erase all stored sequences from EEPROM Examples:


#PL: List all stored sequences Examples:


#PD[number]: Delete numbered sequence from EEPROM Examples:

#PD0 (delete sequence 0)

#PS[number]:seq Store specified sequence (seq) as number in EEPROM. Examples:

#PS1:H                        (periscope down)
#PS2:P100                     (periscope up)
#PS3:P100:L5:R30              (search light counter-clockwise)
#PS4:P100,100:L7:M,80,80,2,4  (random fast)
#PS5:P100:L7:M,50,40,5,5      (random slow)
#PS6:A0                       (face forward)
#PS7:P100:L5:R-30             (search light clockwise)
#PS8:H:P50:W2:P85,35:A90,25:W2:A270,20,100:W2:P100,100:L5:R50:W4:H    (sneaky periscope)

#PBAUD[baudrate] Change system baudrate. Settings will be stored in EEPROM and take affect once the board is reset. Examples:

#PBAUD9600               (set baud rate to 9600)

#PR Enable/disable rotary unit. This will reboot the board. The setting will persist between reboots. Examples:

#PR (toggle rotary unit on/off)

#PNCL Set lifter limit switch to normally closed. Default setting. Examples:

#PNCL (lifter limit normally closed)

#PNOL Set lifter limit switch to normally open. Examples:

#PNOL (lifter limit normally open)

#PNCR Set rotary limit switch to normally closed. Default setting. Examples:

#PNCR (rotary limit normally closed)

#PNOR Set rotary limit switch to normally open. Examples:

#PNOR (rotary limit normally open)

Multiple Lifters

For droids using multiple lifters you can assign each a different ID number. You can send a command to a specific lifter by prefixing the ID.

#PID[id] Set ID # of this lifter. Default ID # is 0. Examples:

#PID1 (set lifter ID # to 1)
#PID2 (set lifter ID # to 2)

ID prefix

For droids using multiple lifters you can assign each a different ID number. You can then send a command to a specific lifter.


:P1S1   (Lifter with ID #1 play sequence 1)
:PS1    (All lifter play sequence 1)
:P1L7   (Set sparkle light sequence on lifter with ID #1)
:PL7    (Set sparkle light sequence on all lifters)
#P1CONFIG (Show configuration of lifter #1)

Lifter commands

A lifter command starts with ':P' followed by one of the these. Multiple commands can be issued seperated by a colon. Only the first command needs to be prefixed with 'P':


Would raise the periscope. Wait 2 seconds. Lower the periscope. Separately the commnads would be:


Play stored sequence

S[number]: To play a stored sequence Examples:

:PS1    (play sequence stored with #PS1)
:P1S1   (Lifter with ID #1 play sequence 1)

Wait number of seconds

W[R]seconds: Wait for specified number of seconds. If 'R' is specified it will randomize the wait time in the range of 1..seconds. 'seconds' is a number between 1 and 600. Examples:

:PW2    (wait 2 seconds before executing next sequence)
:PR     (wait random 1-6 seconds)
:PR10   (wait random 1-10 seconds)

Light kit sequence

Lnumber: Light kit sequence where number is in the range 0..7

0: Full Cycle (default): This routine will randomly select the LED color, pattern, and speed for a random period of time.

1: Off: This setting turns ALL lights OFF. I added this to allow a microcontroller to turn off the lights without having to kill the supply power.

2: Obi Wan: The Top LED’s flash Blue, the Side LED’s are Blue, and the Main White LED’s are Random.

3: Yoda: The Top LED’s and Side LED’s fade Green On and Off.

4: Sith: The Top LED’s and Side LED’s flash Red.

5: Search Light: All LED’s are White, the Center Bright LED is ON.

6: Dagobah: This is the most screen accurate mode. The Main White LED’s are ON, the side LED’s are White, the Lower Rectangular Red LED’s are All On, and the Rear LED’s are Blinking Red.

7: Sparkle: All White LED’s randomly Flash


:PL0    (full cycle)
:PL1    (off)


H[speed]: Rotates the periscope into the home position and lowers the lifter. Will retry once if rotary ends up not in home position. Examples:

:PH     (go home at minimum power)
:PH50   (go home at 50% speed)
:PH100  (go home at 100% speed)

Rotate scope relative degrees

D[R]: Rotate scope random relative degrees Examples:


D[degrees]: Rotate scope relative degrees positive for counter clockwise and negative for clockwise Examples:

:PD90       (rotate periscope relative 90 degrees counter clockwise)
:PD-90      (rotate periscope relative 90 degrees clockwise)

Rotate scope absolute degrees

A[R][,speed][,maxspeed]: Rotate scope random absolute degrees Examples:


A[degrees][,speed][,maxspeed]: Rotate scope to absolute position degrees. Positive for clockwise and negative for counter clockwise. Optionally specify the speed percentage and maximum speed percentage. By default the speed used is minimum rotary power (20%). The maximum speed defaults to the same value as speed if omitted. Examples:

:PA90        (rotate periscope to 90 degrees clockwise)
:PA270       (rotate periscope to 270 degrees clockwise)
:PA-90       (rotate periscope to 270 degrees clockwise)
:PA0         (rotate periscope to home position)
:PA90,20,100 (rotate periscope to 90 degrees starting at 20% speed increasing to 100%)
             (will mostly likely overshoot target)

Rotate scope continously

R[speed]: Spin rotary scope at specified speed percentage Examples:

:PR30       (spin periscope at 30% speed counter clockwise)
:PR-30      (spin periscope at 30% speed clockwise)

R[,speed]: Lift periscope to random position. Examples:

:PPR        (random position)
:PPR,50     (random position at 50% speed)

Raise/lower periscope

P[position][,speed]: Lift periscope to specified position percentage. Examples:

:PP100      (raise periscope fully)
:PP0        (lower periscope fully)
:PP50       (raise periscope halfway)
:PP100,100  (raise periscope fully at maximum speed)

Movement Random Continous

M,lifterspeed][,rotaryspeed][,mininterval][,maxinterval]: Animate periscope continously rotate/lift. Examples:

:M,80,80,2,4  (animate lifter 80% power, rotatary random(20%-80%), minimum interval 2 seconds for a duration of 2+random(4) seconds )
:M,50,40,5,5  (animate lifter 50% power, rotatary random(20%-40%) power, 80% minimum interval 5 seconds for a duration of 5+5 seconds )

Pololu Motors:




Firmware for the R2UppitySpinner using ESP32 WROOM and TB9051FTG







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