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RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 1

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@raphydaphy raphydaphy released this 24 Aug 06:14
· 108 commits to rewrite since this release

Being the first release for modern version of Rock Bottom, there are likely many issues, so proceed with caution.

That being said, here is a list of the features implemented so far, broken into categories


  • Tin and Iron - Found underground in ore form, produce clusters when mined. Can be smelted into Ingots or separated into grits.
  • Alloy Smelter - Uses solid fuel to combine grits or ingots into new alloys
  • Separator - Separates slag from ore clusters, producing grits. Grits can be smelted into ingots, allowing you to double your ores when compared to smelting them directly.
  • Coke Oven - Converts Coal into Coal Coke, but takes a very long time. Coal Coke has twice the burn time of regular coal.

Steel Machinery

  • Bronze and Steel - created using the Alloy Smelter. Bronze requires three copper and one tin, whereas steel requires one iron and one coal coke.
  • Bucket - used to pick up fluids for transportation. Fluids can be inserted into machines that accept them by right-clicking while holding a full bucket.
  • Assembly Station - used to construct advanced machinery. Machines created with it have varying stats based on the materials used.


  • Bronze Tools - Bronze Pickaxes can mine Iron Ore, allowing you to progress to more advanced equipment.
  • Steel Tools - These are considerably faster than Bronze and in the future will be needed to mine tougher ores.
  • Iron Lamp - This is a vanilla item, but with RockSolid you can now craft them using iron.
  • Creative Energy Source - Only obtainable through cheats, but provides unlimited power for testing.


  • Wrench - used to configure and disassemble all types of conduits. Right-click on a conduit to edit its settings.
  • Item Conduit - transports items to the nearest inventory that will accept them in the conduit network
  • Energy Conduit - distributes electricity through the conduit
  • Gas Conduit - Transfers gasses
  • Fluid Conduit- Moves fluids between machines and reservoirs

Electrical Age

  • Pump - When submerged in a liquid and provided with power, it sucks liquids up into its internal buffer.
  • Boiler - Converts Water into Steam by heating it with a solid fuel.
  • Turbine - Converts Steam into Electricity.
  • Battery - Stores a lot of Electricity.
  • Electric Separator - Like a Separator, but faster and uses power instead of solid fuel.
  • Electric Furnace - A much quicker furnace powered by electricity.