Releases: raphydaphy/RockSolid
RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 7
This update adds back Lanterns and Jetpacks!
New Features
- Machine recipes are no longer unlocked by default, and instead are learned through gameplay
- Added three slots to the player inventory for jetpacks, lanterns and lantern fuel
- Added Jetpacks, which let you fly when filled with Fuel
- Added Lanterns, which create a portable light source when provided with coal
Bug Fixes
- Turbines created in the Assembly Station now produce energy
- Blast Furnaces can now be obtained without cheating
- Removed debug prints
- Boilers can be assembled using Stone in the Assembly Station
RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 6
Another small update to add comparability to RockBottom 0.3.5
- Added recipe categories for Blasting, Alloying, Compressing and Separating
- Fixed incompatibility with RockBottom 0.3.5
- It is now impossible to override a Blasting/Alloying/Compressing/Separating recipe without removing it first
RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 5
A hotfix update since it will be a while before the next update.
- Rockets now work correctly and won't drop you out of the sky
- Temporarily removed cotton and precision assemblers
- Fixed console spam when using rockets
- Rockets will properly interpolate on a server
RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 4
This release adds space travel to Rock Solid!
New Features
- Added Magnesium Ore, which can be processed into Magnesium Ingots
- The new Rutile Ore can be put in an electric blast furnace to produce Impure Titanium
- Impure Titanium can be alloyed with Magnesium to make Titanium
- Titanium can be used to make tools and Nuclear Reactors
- You can find Wolframite Ore in your world and process it to create Tungsten. You will need a Titanium level pickaxe to mine it.
- Tungsten and Nickel can be alloyed to produce Nickel-Tungsten Alloy
- Nickel-Tungsten can be alloyed with coal coke to produce Nickel-Tungsten Carbide
- Uranium Ore can be processed using the new Compressor to create Uranium Pellets
- Uranium Pellets can be crafted into Uranium Fuel Rods using the Assembly Station
- Nuclear Reactors can be be fuelled with Uranium Fuel Rods. They break them down over time, producing power and heat
- Tempshift plates placed near a Nuclear Reactor will dissipate heat. There can also be made with the Assembly Station.
- Oil will now generate in caves underneath the surface.
- You can make a Refinery to process Oil into Fuel using energy.
- Nickel-Tungsten Carbide can be used to make Launch Pads and Rockets in the assembly station.
- Launch Pads can be provided with energy and fuel in order to add fuel to the rocket on them.
- Rockets can be entered, and will launch when you press Space while in one. This takes you to the moon from Earth or vice versa assuming you have enough fuel.
- You can find Nickel, Cobalt and Aluminium on the moon. There is also reduced gravity.
Bug Fixes
- Tools will now work with Rock Bottom 0.3.4
RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 3
This release adds two new machines, progress bar overlays and miscellaneous bug-fixes.
New Features
- When you hover over progress bars in machines (Energy, Fluid & Gas), you can now see more information in on overlay
- Renamed Coke Oven to Blast Furnace in order to accommodate features coming in the next update
- Added Electric Blast Furnace which is five times faster on average
- Added an Electric Alloy Smelter that operates at around 2.5x the speed of the coal powered variant
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that could occur with wrenches on startup
- Machines created using the Assembly Station no longer crash when placed on a server
- Pumps now remember what fluid they contain and correctly sync the fluid to server players
RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 2
This release fixes a lot of issues with the first alpha, and finishes some unimplemented features.
New Features
- The statistics seen in the Assembly Station now actually affect the machines produced with it
- All crafting recipes can now be learned through the vanilla progression system by simply playing the game. They will unlock once you are ready to use them.
Bug Fixes
- Electric Separators now only render fire when they are active
- Batteries sync correctly when on a server
- Fixed several crashes related to Assembly Stations
- Fixed buckets providing infinite water
- Tin and Iron ore now generate correctly
RockSolid 3.0 Alpha 1
Being the first release for modern version of Rock Bottom, there are likely many issues, so proceed with caution.
That being said, here is a list of the features implemented so far, broken into categories
- Tin and Iron - Found underground in ore form, produce clusters when mined. Can be smelted into Ingots or separated into grits.
- Alloy Smelter - Uses solid fuel to combine grits or ingots into new alloys
- Separator - Separates slag from ore clusters, producing grits. Grits can be smelted into ingots, allowing you to double your ores when compared to smelting them directly.
- Coke Oven - Converts Coal into Coal Coke, but takes a very long time. Coal Coke has twice the burn time of regular coal.
Steel Machinery
- Bronze and Steel - created using the Alloy Smelter. Bronze requires three copper and one tin, whereas steel requires one iron and one coal coke.
- Bucket - used to pick up fluids for transportation. Fluids can be inserted into machines that accept them by right-clicking while holding a full bucket.
- Assembly Station - used to construct advanced machinery. Machines created with it have varying stats based on the materials used.
- Bronze Tools - Bronze Pickaxes can mine Iron Ore, allowing you to progress to more advanced equipment.
- Steel Tools - These are considerably faster than Bronze and in the future will be needed to mine tougher ores.
- Iron Lamp - This is a vanilla item, but with RockSolid you can now craft them using iron.
- Creative Energy Source - Only obtainable through cheats, but provides unlimited power for testing.
- Wrench - used to configure and disassemble all types of conduits. Right-click on a conduit to edit its settings.
- Item Conduit - transports items to the nearest inventory that will accept them in the conduit network
- Energy Conduit - distributes electricity through the conduit
- Gas Conduit - Transfers gasses
- Fluid Conduit- Moves fluids between machines and reservoirs
Electrical Age
- Pump - When submerged in a liquid and provided with power, it sucks liquids up into its internal buffer.
- Boiler - Converts Water into Steam by heating it with a solid fuel.
- Turbine - Converts Steam into Electricity.
- Battery - Stores a lot of Electricity.
- Electric Separator - Like a Separator, but faster and uses power instead of solid fuel.
- Electric Furnace - A much quicker furnace powered by electricity.
RockSolid 2.2
This update will break any gasses and conduits in your world
Rockets exist! You can't ride in them though, just mine meteors for now. Put in an Asteroid Data Chip and a Satellite Core and fuel the rocket with Refined Fuel (Made in a Refinery with Oil and Power). This will allow you to collect information about a nearby asteroid. The researched chip can then be put in an Analyzer (A new machine). This will reveal the information about the asteroid when you hover over the chip after analysing it. Analyzed asteroids can then be put back in the rocket. Equip the rocket with a Drill Core and ensure it has plenty of fuel, and then you can send it off again. The rocket will collect resources and return with plenty of ore.
There are four new ores - Nickel, Cobalt, Wolframite and Aluminum. Apart from wolframite, they can only be obtained from asteroid mining. However, you can get nickel before you are able to mine Asteroids by separating Iron Clusters. This has a small chance of producing nickel. There is currently no use for Cobalt and Aluminum. Nickel and Wolframite are used for crafting rocket parts and can be processed like any other ore.
A new machine, the Rock Crusher, is used to crush ores into clusters with a 1-2 ratio, twice as good as mining them manually. It requires power to run, and is the only way of processing Nickel, Cobalt and Aluminum ores into clusters, as they drop the ore when broken.
Conduits are completely overhauled, allowing for much easier and smoother configuration. They work across (almost) infinite distances with no speed decrease now, and do not need to be pressurised in order to work. The Priority setting currently only affects Energy and Item conduits, and is completely useless on Fluid/Gas. This will be fixed in a later release. Conduits also work perfectly across relogs and world saves now, and shouldn't cause Stack Overflows anymore - although they might in an unpredictable situtation.
RockSolid 2.2 uses RockSolidAPI 2.2, which you can get here This release is compatible with RockBottom 0.0.25.
RockSolid 2.1
This update will break any fluids in your world!
RockSolid 2.1 changes the fluid system to be much nicer, more compact and modular. Fluids now are stored in an enum which will in the future be modifiable through the API, and only a single fluid tile is registered to the game no matter how many fluid types exist.
Basic Lantern crafting has been temporarily disabled until the glitch causing infinite shining cluster duplication is fixed.
No testing of the new fluid system has been done in LAN or dedicated servers yet and cannot be until RockBottom 0.0.23 is released, but it should all work fine.
RockSolid 2.1 uses RockSolidAPI 2.1, which you can find here:
RockSolid 2.0
RockSolid now supports RockBottom 0.0.22 fully, and the copper tools have been removed, along with stone and wood axes/shovels, since they are now part of the base game.
The lamps and chests have also been removed as the base game versions are now sufficient to use with the mod. Textures will be updated to support the new style in the game soon.
Now using RockSolidAPI 2.0.2
Hotfix: A error that caused Bronze to be crafted with iron instead of tin has now been fixed.