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Customizing navigator

ramontayag edited this page Jun 16, 2011 · 5 revisions

The navigator is the navigation item or the menu item. I decided to name it navigator because it's the one that sends you to where you want to go (sometimes it points to a navigable item, sometimes it points to an arbitrary link).

As seen in Installation, there is a minimum amount of fields a navigator table needs. Here's what they mean:

label and title

label and title act the same way. You can replace any command below with title to know how title works, too.

When you call @nav_item.label, you will get:

  • the value of label in the database, if it exists. If it doesn't,
  • the value of what you have defined as the label in the navigator's navigable.

How? Like so:

class Page << AR::Base
  navigable :label => :name

@page = Page.create(:name => "About")
@nav_item = @page.to_navigator!
@nav_item.label # "About"
@nav_item.label = "My own label"
@nav_item.label # "My own label"


  • will return the link in the database, if it's set. If not,
  • will return the polymorphic_path(navigable) (show path of the navigable item linked to the navigator).


  • will return a regexified version of the string in the database, if it exists:
@nav_item = NavItem.create :highlights_on => "something"
@nav_item.highlights_on # /something/
  • if the db value is blank, then highlights_on will return the value set in the navigable, without converting it to a regexp.
class Category << AR::Base
  navigable :highlights_on => "hi"

Category.create.to_navigator.highlights_on # "hi"

parent_id and position

These are used by the ordered_tree gem that navi uses to form the tree

navigable_id and navigable_type

These are used to make a polymorphic association with the navigables. This is how a nav_item knows where it points.