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ramontayag edited this page Jun 16, 2011 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the navi wiki!

There are some steps you have to go through to get this working, and to understand the relationship between the navigable items and the navigator items. If you're comfortable, I highly suggest you look at the sample at at spec/dummy. You can install and run it by:

  • reading the Gemfile and following the steps
  • cd /to/the/spec/dummy && bundle && rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare db:seed && rails s
  • Go to localhost:3000/menu_items

I used Apotomo to create the menu_items/index part with all the javascript and the widgets. Don't let that confuse you. You can build your own solution from the ground up. I just found it more convenient to use Apotomo for this.

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