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Releases: r-lib/roxygen2

roxygen2 7.0.2

02 Dec 17:02
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  • \example{} escaping has been improved (again!) so that special escapes
    within strings are correctly escaped (#990).

roxygen2 7.0.1

22 Nov 14:52
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  • @includeRmd has now an optional second argument, the top level section
    the included file will go to. It defaults to the details section (#970).
    Code chunks are now evaluated in a child of the global environment (#972).

  • @inheritParams does a better job of munging links.

    Links of the form \link[=topic]{text} are now automatically converted to
    \link[pkg:topic]{text} when inherited from other packages (#979).

    Internal has_topic() helper has a better implementation; this means that
    links should no longer be munged unnecessarily (#973).

  • \example{} escaping has been considerably simplified (#967), and is now
    documented in escape_example().

  • In \usage{}, S3/S4 methods are no longer double-escaped (#976).

  • Markdown tables with cells that contain multiple elements (e.g. text and code)
    are now rendered correctly (#985).

  • Markdown code blocks containing operators and other special syntax
    (e.g. function, if, +) now converted to \code{} not \verb{} (#971).

roxygen2 7.0.0

12 Nov 19:30
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New features

New tags

  • @includeRmd {path.Rmd} converts an .Rmd/.md file to .Rd and includes
    it in the manual page. This allows sharing text between vignettes,
    README.Rmd, and the documentation. See vignette("rd") for details (#902).

  • @order {n} tag controls the order in which blocks are processed. You can
    use it to override the usual ordering which proceeds from the top of
    each file to the bottom. @order 1 will be processed before @order 2,
    and before any blocks that don't have an explicit order set (#863).

  • @exportS3Method tag allows you to generate S3method() namespace
    directives (note the different in capitalisation) (#796). Its primary use is
    for "delayed" method registration, which allows you to define methods for
    generics found in suggested packages (available in R 3.6 and greater).
    For example,

    #' @exportS3Method package::generic <- function(x, ...) { 

    will generate

    S3method(package::generic, foo) 

    (See vctrs::s3_register()
    you need a version that works for earlier versions of R).

    It also has a two argument form allows you generate arbitrary S3method()

    #' @exportS3Method generic class 
    S3method(generic, class) 
  • New @returns is an alias for @return (#952).


roxygen2 can now document R6 classes (#922). See vignette("rd") for details.

Markdown improvements

  • Rd comments (%) are now automatically escaped. You will need to replace any
    existing uses of \% with % (#879).

  • Markdown headings are supported in tags like @description, @details,
    and @return (#907, #908). Level 1 headings create a new top-level
    \section{}. Level 2 headings and below create nested \subsections{}.

  • Markdown tables are converted to a \tabular{} macro (#290). roxygen2
    supports the GFM table syntax
    which looks like this:

    | foo | bar | 
    | --- | --- | 
    | baz | bim | 
  • Markdown code (`foofy`) is converted to to either \code{} or
    \verb{}, depending on whether it not it parses as R code. This better
    matches the description of \code{} and \verb{} macros, solves a certain
    class of escaping problems, and should make it easier to include arbitrary
    "code" snippets in documentation without causing Rd failures (#654).

  • Markdown links can now contain formatting, e.g. [*mean*][mean] will now
    generate \link[=mean]{\emph{mean}}.

  • Use of unsupported markdown features (e.g. blockquotes, inline HTML,
    and horizontal rules) generates informative error messages (#804).

Default usage

  • The default formatting for function usage that spans multiple lines has
    now changed. Previously, the usage was wrapped to produce the smallest number
    of lines, e.g.:

    parse_package(path = ".", env = env_package(path),  
      registry = default_tags(), global_options = list()) 

    Now it is wrapped so that each argument gets its own line (#820):

      path = ".", 
      env = env_package(path), 
      registry = default_tags(), 
      global_options = list() 

    If you prefer the old behaviour you can put the following in your

    Roxygen: list(old_usage = TRUE) 

Code loading

roxygen2 now provides three strategies for loading your code (#822):

  • load_pkgload(), the default, uses pkgload.
    Compared to the previous release, this now automatically recompiles your
    package if needed.

  • load_source() attaches required packages and source()s all files in R/.
    This is a cruder simulation of package loading than pkgload (and e.g. is
    unreliable if you use S4 extensively), but it does not require that the
    package be compiled. Use if the default strategy (used in roxygen2 6.1.0
    and above) causes you grief.

  • load_installed() assumes you have installed the package. This is best
    used as part of a bigger automated workflow.

You can override the default either by calling (e.g.) roxygenise(load_code = "source")) or by setting the load option in your DESCRIPTION: Roxygen: list(load = "source").


  • As well as storing roxygen options in the Roxygen field of the
    DESCRIPTION you can now also store them in man/roxygen/meta.R (#889).
    The evaluation of this file should produce a named list that maps option
    names to values.

  • roxygen now also looks for templates in man/roxygen/templates (#888).

  • New rd_family_title option: this should be a named list, and is used to
    overrides the default "Other family: " prefix that @family generates.
    For example, to override the prefix generated by @family foo place
    rd_family_title <- list(foo = "Custom prefix: ") in
    man/roxygen/meta.R (#830, @kevinushey).

Breaking changes

  • Rd comments (%) are automatically escaped in markdown formatted text.
    This is a backward incompatible change because you will need to replace
    existing uses of \% with % (#879).

  • Using @docType package no longer automatically adds -name. Instead
    document _PACKAGE to get all the defaults for package documentation, or
    use @name to override the default file name.

  • @S3method has been removed. It was deprecated in roxygen2 4.0.0
    released 2014-05-02, over 5 years ago.

  • Using the old wrap option will now trigger a warning, as hasn't worked
    for quite some time. Supress the error by deleting the option from your

Extending roxygen2

The process for extending roxygen2 with new tags and new roclets has been completely overhauled, and is now documented in vignette("extending"). If you're one of the few people who have written a roxygen2 extension, this will break your code - but the documentation, object structure, and print methods are now so much better that I hope it's not too annoying! Because this interface is now documented, it will not change in the future without warning and a deprecation cycle.

If you have previously made a new roclet, the major changes are:

  • The previously internal data structures used to represent blocks and tags
    have been overhauled. They are now documented and stable. See roxy_block()
    and roxy_tag() for details.

  • roclet_tags() is no longer used; instead define a roxy_tag_parse() method.
    For example, if you create a new @mytag tag, it will generate a class of
    roxy_tag_mytag, and will be parsed by roxy_tag_parse.roxy_tag_mytag()
    method. The method should return a new roxy_tag() object with the
    val field set.

    This means that the registry argument is no longer needed and has
    been removed.

  • rd_section() and roxy_tag_rd() are now exported so that you can more
    easily extend rd_roclet() with your own tags that generate output in
    .Rd files.

  • global_options is no longer passed to all roclet methods. Instead, use
    roxy_meta_get() to retrieve values stored in the options (#918).

  • tag_two_part() and tag_words() are now simple functions, not function

  • tag_markdown_restricted() has been removed because it did exactly the
    same thing as tag_markdown().

A big thanks goes to @mikldk for starting on the vignette and motivating me to make the extension process much more pleasant (#882).

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Empty roxygen2 lines at the start of a block are now silently removed (#710).

  • Whitespace is automatically trimmed off the RoxygenNote field when
    comparing the installed version of roxygen2 to the version used to
    generate the documentation (#802).

  • Files generated on Windows systems now retain their existing line endings, or
    use unix-style line endings for new files (@jonthegeek, @jimhester, #840).

  • roxygen2 now recognises fully qualified S4 functions like
    methods::setGeneric(), methods::setClass() and methods::setMethod()

  • Package documentation now converts ORCIDs into a useful link (#721).
    The package logo (if found at man/images/logo.png) is now scaled to 120px
    wide (@peterdesmet, #834).

  • Documenting an S4 method that has a .local() wrapper no longer fails with
    an obscure error message (#847).

  • Functions documented in reexports are now sorted alphabetically by
    package (#765).

  • @describeIn can now be used with any combination of function types
    (#666, #848).

  • @description and @detail tags are automatically generated from the
    leading description block, and now have correct line numbers (#917).

  • @example and @examples are interwoven in the order in which they
    appear (#868).

  • In @examples, escaped ' and " in strings are no longer doubly escaped

  • @family automatically adds () when linking to functions (#815),
    and print each link on its own line (to improve diffs).

  • When @inheriting from external documentation, \link{foo} links
    are automatically transformed to \link{package}{foo} so that they work in
    the generated documentation (#635). \href{} links in external inherited are
    now inserted correctly (without additional {}) (#778).

  • @inheriting a a function with no argum...

Read more

roxygen2 6.1.1

02 Dec 22:46
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  • Now specifically imports recent version of desc package (>= 1.2.0) to
    fix various parsing issues (@crsh, #773, #777, #779). Multi-line DESCRIPTION
    collate directives now correctly parsed on windows (@brodieG, #790).

  • roxygenise() no longer recompiles packages containing src code (#784).

  • roxygenise() now stops with an informative error message when run in a
    directory that's not the package root (@mikmart, #704).

roxygen2 6.1.0

07 Aug 18:11
Choose a tag to compare

New features

  • The NAMESPACE roclet nows works in two passes - it first generates the
    a NAMESPACE containing only import directives becaues this can be generated
    without evaluating the code in the package. This alleviates a problem
    where it was previously possible to get into a state that you could only
    get out of by carefully editting the NAMESPACE by hand (#372).

  • @evalRd foo() evaluates foo() defined in the package namespace and inserts
    the results into the current block (#645). The code should return a character
    vector with one entry for each line (and they should not start with #').

    There are two small limitations to the current implementation:

    1. The generated roxygen will not affect the @md/@noMd status
    2. @evalRd does not work inside templates.
  • @evalNamespace does for NAMESPACE what @evalRd does for Rd files:
    you give it R code that produces a literal entry in NAMESPACE when
    run. This should make it easier to export functions that are generated by
    other functions in your package (#531, @egnha).

  • @inherits can now inherit examples (#588).

  • vignette("rd") received a thorough updating for current best-practices.
    The vignette still needs more work so pull requests are greatly appreciated

  • roxygenise() uses pkgload::load_all() instead of a home grown solution
    to simulate package loading (this is needed because roxygen2 uses run-time
    information to generate the documetation). This should reduce S4 related
    problems and ensures that devtools::document() and roxygenise() always
    have exactly the same behaviour (#568, #595).

  • If an inherited section cannot be found, the warning contains the help
    page from which that section was requested (#732, @krlmlr).

  • roxygen2 now always reads and writes using UTF-8 encoding. If used with a
    package that does not have Encoding: UTF-8 in the DESCRIPTION, you'll
    now get a warning (#564, #592).

Extension API

  • Roxygen blocks now have an official structure as encoded in
    roxy_block(). It is a named list containing the tags with attributes
    providing other metadata.

  • The parsed argument to roclet_process() have been replaced with
    separate blocks and env arguments.

  • New roclet_preprocess() generic makes it possible for roclets to perform
    actions before code is evaluated.

  • parse_package(), parse_file() and parse_code() provide an exported API
    that allows you to use roxygen's parsing code independently of creating

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • All tags (including @alias) are now de-duplicated and consistently sorted.
    This reduces spurious diffs (#586, @flying-sheep).

  • @concept now generates one \concept per tag (#611).

  • The default @description (i.e. the title) is now added much later in the
    process. That means that @inherit description now works when you have
    specified a title for the inheritor (#629) and the default description
    is slightly nicer when merging multiple blocks.

  • @family automatically adds its value to concepts (#611).

  • @inherits: The mechanism for extracting inherited Rd does a better job of
    preserving escapes (#624)

  • Empty .Rbuildignore now handled correctly (#576).

  • Stricter regular expression ensures only files ending with .R or .r are
    parsed for roxygen comments (#625).

  • Objects with names starting with a dot are now by default documented in
    files with prefix 'dot-'.

  • Roclets can now access global options as designed. This allows templates to
    use markdown formatting if set globally (#594).

  • You can now autogenerate package documentation even if you don't have
    Authors@R (#606).

  • Multiple given and/or family names are now supported in the
    Authors@R field of the DESCRIPTION file (#672, @sgibb).

  • If a package logo exists (man/figures/logo.png) it will be automatically
    included in generated package docs (#609).

  • Usage for data objects now correctly generated, avoiding double escaping
    other components of usage (#562).

  • Improvements to markdown translation:

    • Code in link text is now properly rendered as code (#620, @egnha).

    • Whitespace between words in link text is now preserved as single
      space for links of the form [text][fcn] and [text](URL)
      (#628, #754, #760, @egnha and @jennybc).

    • % in inline code (#640), code blocks (@nteetor, #699) and
      links (#724) is now automatically escaped.

    • Parsing of markdown links has been tweaked to reduce false positives
      (#555). If you still get a false positive, you can now put \\ in front
      of the [ to avoid it being converted to a link (#720). Links can no
      longer be followed by { to avoid spurious matches to Rd commands like

    • Unsupported markdown features now generate a mildly helpful warning
      instead of throwing an utterly useless error (#560).

  • person() now supports all
    MARC Relator role codes
    (#662, @Publicus).

  • topic_add_usage() now outputs formatted "Usage" section with max
    width of 80 characters thanks to a now more flexible wrap_string()
    (@JoshOBrien, #719).

roxygen2 6.0.1

10 Feb 16:56
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  • Allowing empty lines in .Rbuildignore. Previously, empty lines caused all
    files to be ignored. (#572, @jakob-r)
  • Automatically generating a usage section for an infix function containing "<-"
    no longer removes "<-" from the function name (#554).

roxygen2 6.0.0

31 Jan 16:52
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  • Most fields can now be written using Markdown markup instead of the
    traditional Rd language. You can turn on Markdown globally by adding
    Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE) to DESCRIPTION. The @md / @noMd
    tags turn Markdown parsing on / off for the given block. See
    vignette("markdown") for more details (#364, #431, #499, #506, #507),
    by @gaborcsardi

Improved inheritance

  • New @inheritDocParams allows you to automatically generate parameter
    documentation for ... for the common case where you pass ... on to
    another function (#512). Because you often override some arguments, it
    comes with a flexible specification for argument selection:
    • @inheritDotParams foo takes all parameters from foo()

    • @inheritDotParams foo a b e:h takes parameters a, b, and all
      parameters between e and h

    • @inheritDotParams foo -x -y takes all parameters except for x and y.

      The documentation generated is similar to the style used in ?plot
      and will eventually be incorporated in to RStudio's autocomplete.

  • New @inherit generalises @inheritParams, and allows to you inherit
    parameters, return, references, title, description, details, sections, and
    seealso. The default @inherit my_fun will inherit all, you can document
    an object entirely by specifying only the @inherit tag. Alternatively,
    you can select specific tags to inherit with @inherit my_fun return params
  • New @inheritSection fun title allows you to inherit the contents of
    a single section from another topic (#513).
  • @inheritParams now works recursively, so that you can inherit parameters
    from a function that inherited its paramters from somewhere else. It
    also better handles \dots as an alias for ... (#504).

Minor improvements and bug fixes


  • @aliases are no longer sorted alphabetically, but instead match the
    order of their usage. This gives you more control in pkgdown.
  • @describeIn now escapes special characters in function names (#450).
  • @family see alsos are added in the same order they appear, not
    alphabetically (#315). Fixed an issue where .s were sometimes added
    between words within a @family tag (#477, @kevinushey).
  • @author is rendered after @seealso.
  • @example gives a nice warning message if you accidentally use it instead
    of @examples (#494). Multiple @examples sections are merged (#472, @krlmlr).
  • Roxygen will no longer write out topics that don't have a name or title,
    and will instead generate a warning. This makes it easier to detect if
    you've accidentally used @rdname with an incorrect value (#474).


  • Non-primitive, internal S3 generics (e.g. 'rbind', 'cbind') are now properly
    detected as S3 generics. (#488, @kevinushey)
  • Ensure that functions with S3 class are still treated as functions (#455).
  • S3 method declarations via R.methodS3::setMethodS3() and function
    declarations via R.oo::setConstructorS3() are now supported
    (@HenrikBengtsson, #525).


  • You can now document setClassUnion()s (#514).
  • The default alias for S4 method now re-addeds trailing ANY signatures
    that are sometimes dropped (#460).
  • Back references are now wrapped over multiple lines, if long
    (#493, @LiNk-NY).


  • "_PACKAGE" documentation now generates a default @seealso combining
    the URL and BugReport fields, and a default @author field generated
    from the Authors@R field (#527). It now works from roxygenise(); before
    it only worked from devtools::document() (#439, @krlmlr).
  • Manually created NAMESPACE or documentation files are never overwritten,
    even if using roxygen2 for the first time (@krlmlr, #436).
  • Changes to DESCRIPTION (i.e. Collate: and RoxygenNote) now use
    the desc package. This will minimise spurious changes (#430).
  • default_data_format() has been renamed to object_format().
  • New roclet_find() provides a more flexible way to specify roclets:
    as roclet name (e.g. "rd_roclet"), in an package ("foo::roclet_bar"),
    or with options ("foo::roclet_bar(baz = TRUE)").
  • The usage of replacement functions uses non-breaking spaces so that <-
    will never get put on its own line (#484).
  • Roxygen now parses nonASCII documentation correctly (as long as UTF-8
    encoded or specified Encoding in DESCRIPTION) (#532, @shrektan),
    and ignores files listed in .Rbuildignore (#446, @fmichonneau).

Extending roxygen2

  • Deprecated register.preref.parser() and register.preref.parsers()
    have been removed. register_tags() has also been removed in favour of
    a new roclet_tags() generic.
  • roclet() (the constructor), roclet_tags(), roclet_process()
    roclet_output(), roc_clean() and now exported making it possible
    to create roclets in other packages. Helper functions roxy_tag() and
    roxy_tag_warning() are also exported.
  • new_roclet() is no longer exported - use roclet() instead.

roxygen2 5.0.1

13 Nov 14:42
Choose a tag to compare
  • Use ls(), not names() to list elements of environment: fixes R 3.1.0
    incompatibility (#422, @kevinushey).
  • @export again allows trailing new line (#415).
  • Fixed bug in @noRd, where usage would cause error (#418).

roxygen2 5.0.0

29 Oct 13:12
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New features

  • Roxygen now records its version in a single place: the RoxygenNote
    field in the DESCRIPTION (#338). This will be the last time an roxygen2
    upgrade changes every file in man/.
  • You can now easily re-export functions that you've imported from another
#' @export

All imported-and-re-exported functions will be documented in the same
file (rexports.Rd), containing a brief descrption and links to the
original documentation (#376).

  • You can more easily generate package documentation by documenting the
    special string "_PACKAGE" (@krlmlr, #349):
#' @details Details

The title and description will be automatically filled in from the

  • New tags @rawRd and @rawNamespace allow you to insert raw (unescaped)
    in Rd and the NAMESPACE (this is useful for conditional imports).
    @evalRd() is similar, but instead of literal Rd, you give it R code that
    produces literal Rd code when run. This should make it easier to experiment
    with new types of output (#385).
  • Roxygen2 now parses the source code files in the order specified in the
    Collate field in DESCRIPTION. This improves the ordering of the generated
    documentation when using @describeIn and/or @rdname split across several
    .R files, as often happens when working with S4 (#323, #324).

Minor features and bug fixes

  • The contents of documented functions are now also parsed for roxygen comments.
    This allows, e.g., documenting a parameter's type close to where this type is
    checked, or documenting implementation details close to the source, and
    simplifies future extensions such as the documentation of R6 classes
    (#397, @krlmlr).
  • Data objects get a simpler default @format that describes only the
    object's class and dimensions. The former default, generated by generated by
    str(), didn't usually produce useful output and was quite slow. The new S3
    generic default_data_format() generates the format and can be overridden to
    generate a custom format (#410, @krlmlr).
  • The roxygen parsers has been completely rewritten in C++ (#295). This gives a
    nice performance boost and gives:
    • Better error messages: you now get the exact the line number of the
      tag, not just the start of the block.
    • The parser has been simplified a little: tags now must always start
      on a new line. This is recommended practice anyway, and it means
      that escaping inline @ (with @@) is now optional. (#235)
    • Unknown tags now emit a warning, rather than an error.
  • @examples no longer complains about non-matching braces inside
    strings (#329).
  • @family now cross-links each manual page only once, instread of linking
    to all aliases (@gaborcsardi, #283, #367).
  • The special @include parser has also been rewritten in C++, giving
    a performance boost for larger packages (#401). This is particularly
    important because it's also called from devtools::load_all().
    Additionally, a space before @include is no longer necessary
    (@krlmlr, #342).
  • @inheritParams foo::bar ensures that % remains escaped (#313).
  • If you document multiple arguments with one @param, (e.g. @param a,b,c)
    each parameter will get a space after it so it can be wrapped in the
    generated Rd file (#373).
  • @sections with identical titles are now merged together, just like
    @description and @details. This is useful in conjunction with the
    @rdname tag. (@krlmlr, #300).
  • Automatic @usage is now correctly generated for functions with string
    arguments containing "\"" (#265).
  • load_options() is now exported so devtools::document() doesn't have to
    run update_collate() twice (#395).
  • update_collate() only rewrites the Collate entry in the DESCRIPTION file
    when it changes (#325, #723).
  • An empty NAMESPACE file is written if it is maintained by roxygen2
    (@krlmlr, #348).
  • Data that is not lazy-loaded can be documented (@krlmlr, #390).

Internal changes

  • register.preref.parser() and register.preref.parsers() have been
    deprecated - please use register_tags() instead.
  • Parser callbacks registered with register_tags() are now called for fields
    parsed from the "introduction" (the text before the first tag)
    (@gaborcsardi, #370).

Roxygen2 4.1.1

05 Jun 15:05
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  • Formatting of the Authors@R field in the DESCRIPTION file is now retained
    (@jranke, #330).
  • The collate roclet falls back to base::strwrap() when generating the
    collate field. This makes roxygen2 compatible with the next version of
  • New "vignette" roclet. This vignette automatically rebuilds all out of date
    vignettes (#314).
  • An off-by-one error in the C++ Roxygen preparser was fixed.
  • The new @backref tag makes it possible to override the sourceref for
    R code generators like Rcpp (@krlmlr, #291, #294).