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Visual OligoDeg: design of candidate primers and probes for PCR and microarray by visual selection from aligned DNA sequences.
The workbook VisualOligoDeg facilitates visualization and selection of oligonucleotides hybridizing to all the sequences in a multi-alignment, or to most of the sequences of a given group. It is used for the design of PCR and low-density microarrays.
Excel workbooks are treated as binary files by git (and GitHub) and thus most of the versioning possibilities for source code are not available. In this repository the VBA code is saved as text to access these posibilities and are exported or imported from the workbook as needed. This can lead to inconsistencies - that is why it is best to simply donwload the workbook from the Release tab.
Problems? Suggestions? Open an "Issue" at or directly write to the author. For more information visit our wiki.
If you use it, please cite: Ariel Vina-Rodriguez, Martin Eiden and Martin H. Groschup. 2017. "VisualOligoDeg: visual selection of PCR and microarray primers and probes from aligned sequences.". In press.