Pulls the live stream of twitch channels into an m3u
Method 1 - Run the exe to install modules and automatically extract the m3u (credentials need entering first launch only)
Method 2 - Use the nodejs script
Nodejs https://nodejs.org/en
Download the exe from the releases section https://github.com/purplescorpion1/twitch-to-m3u/releases
Streamlink available at path https://streamlink.github.io/install.html
Note if you used a previous version you may have to rename config.ini to anything else so you can recreate it. You can copy and paste existing details from it into the cmd window when asked and then add anything additional
Run Twitch_Followed.exe
It will ask for the
User ID (Twitch username converted to ID)
Twitch OAuth
Access token
See "How to setup"
Node.js https://nodejs.org/en
Streamlink available at path https://streamlink.github.io/install.html
git clone https://github.com/purplescorpion1/twitch-to-m3u.git
cd twitch-to-m3u
npm install puppeteer node-fetch ini readline-sync
node twitch_followed.js
It will ask for the
User ID (Twitch username converted to ID)
Twitch OAuth
Access token
Go to https://www.streamweasels.com/tools/convert-twitch-username-to-user-id/
Enter your twitch username
Convert twitch username to ID
Copy User ID (Twitch username converted to ID) to Twitch_Followed to cmd/terminal
Go to https://www.twitch.tv sign in and view a stream
Open the developer tools of web browser (cntrl + shift + I)
Go to the console
Type (you may have to type confirmation to enable pasting of code into console first)
document.cookie.split("; ").find(item=>item.startsWith("auth-token="))?.split("=")[1]
Copy the resulting string consisting of 30 alphanumerical characters without any quotations
Copy Twitch OAuth to Twitch_Followed to cmd/terminal
Go to https://twitchtokengenerator.com/
Under available token scopes set user:read:follows to Yes
Scroll down and click generate token - sign in/authorize twitch to use
Verify captcha
Under generated tokens
Copy Access Token to Twitch_Followed to cmd/terminal
Copy ClientID to Twitch_Followed to cmd/terminal
It will then output twitch_followed.m3u
Create a dummy EPG using a dummy EPG script e.g. from https://github.com/yurividal/dummyepgxml