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7 Building HorusDemodLib under Windows using MinGW.

Mark Jessop edited this page Feb 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

This page is mainly intended as a memory aid when building this library manually under Windows. The automated Travis build should mean that there is no need to manually perform these build steps

Follow these steps:

  1. Download and execute the CMake Win32 Installer. Make sure to set the PATH variable during installation

  2. Download and install mingw-w64. The automatic installer seems to be pretty broken at the moment, so you will probably need to grab a build bundle from here. Get the x86_64 posix-seh release. Unzip this somewhere, and copy the mingw64 directory to C:\

  3. Add the mingw-w64 programs to the system PATH variable (eg. add this string C:\mingw64\bin)

  4. Download horusdemodgui using git or by downloading a zip archive and unzipping it

  5. Open a Windows PowerShell / Command Prompt and navigate to the folder where you just put horusdemodgui

  6. Execute the following commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"

If all goes well you should now have libhorus.dll in the build/src directory.


This doesn't build completely statically, and the following DLLs seem to be required for this dll to work on other Windows installs:

  • libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
  • libwinpthread-1.dll
  • libstdc++-6.dll (maybe...)

TODO: Incorporate the fixes for this described here: