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10 Uploading Telemetry Sondehub Amateur Using HorusDemodLib

Mark Jessop edited this page Apr 10, 2022 · 1 revision

HorusDemodLib includes the Python reference implementation of a telemetry uploader for the 'SondeHub Amateur' telemetry database and tracker.

You can use the uploader class in your own Python code by importing it:

from horusdemodlib.sondehubamateur import SondehubAmateurUploader

Initialise the class with:

sondehub_uploader = SondehubAmateurUploader(
    upload_rate = 2, # Time been pushing blocks of data into Sondehub, in seconds
    user_callsign = "Your Callsign",
    user_position = [your_lat, your_lon], # Set both these values to 0.0 to not upload a listener position.
    user_radio = "My radio info",
    user_antenna = "My antenna info",
    software_name = "horusdemodlib + your software",
    software_version = horusdemodlib.__version__ + " your software version",

Once initialised, listener information will be uploaded at regular intervals if a valid lat/lon is provided.

To add telemetry to be uploaded, it needs to be provided as a dictionary, containing at a bare minimum these fields:

data = {
    "callsign": "PAYLOAD_CALLSIGN",
    "time": "2022-01-01T01:23:45Z", # Can also provide just the time part, e.g. "01:23:45Z"
    "sequence_number": 123, # Ideally an incrementing number which is unique to each packet. Can be set to 0 without issues.
    "latitude": -34.0,
    "longitude": 138.0,
    "altitude": 10000.0

Other fields can be added too. The following data fields will be included for upload if available in the input dict:


If you wish add further custom fields, include a dictionary entry "custom_field_names" containing a list of these fields, e.g.

    "custom_field_names": ["internal_temperature", "pressure", "humidity"],
    "internal_temperature": -42.0,
    "pressure": 1000.0,
    "humidity": 55.0

The following metadata fields can also be added:

snr - SNR of the received packet in dB
f_centre - The received frequency of the packet in Hz
modulation - The modulation type of the telemetry, e.g. 'Horus Binary v1', 'APRS', 'RTTY', 'WSPR'


  • Clean up some of the discrepancies between the sondehub-infra field names and what this class is expecting.
  • Allow override of the uploader callsign to allow for data gathered from systems like WSPR.

Then the data can be submitted for upload using:


Data may take a few seconds to be uploaded.

The uploader can be stopped using:
