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3. Headless Raspberry Pi Operation
These are a basic set of instructions for setting up a Raspberry Pi as a LoRa Ground Station, using the horus_utils software.
This is useful if you want to deploy a standalone receiver somewhere, or if you want to have an automatic LoRa receiver running in the back of your chase car!
- A Raspberry Pi (2 / 3 / Zero / ZeroW). All will work.
- Some kind of network connection for the Pi, be it onboard wifi/ethernet, or a USB WiFi dongle.
- A LoRa Shield for the frequency band you are interested in.
- Download the latest Raspbian image and copy it onto a SD card: i.e.
> sudo dd if=2015-11-21-raspbian-jessie.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4M
- Mount the SD card on your machine (assuming Linux here) and edit the following files:
2.1. If using WiFi: /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Add the following:
You can add multiple network blocks if you wish.
2.2 /etc/hostname
Modify this to something like:
Assuming avahi works on your network & OS, this will let you ssh into the RPi at loragatewayX.local
2.3 /etc/hosts
Add a line in here with the above hostname, so it resolves to localhost.
2.4 /boot (a different partition)
Create a file called 'ssh' i.e. using
$ touch ssh
This will enable ssh on next boot. You MUST do this before first boot, else SSH keys won't be generated.
- Unmount the SD card, insert into Pi, and boot up. If all went well, the Pi should appear on your network, and you should be able to SSH in using:
$ ssh pi@loragatewayX.local
(Default password: raspberry)
- Change the pi user's password!
$ passwd
- OPTIONAL: Create a user for yourself.
$ sudo adduser myusername
$ sudo usermod -aG sudo myusername
- Run raspi-config
$ sudo raspi-config
Do the following:
Under "Advanced Options", Expand Filesystem
Under "Interfacing Options", enable SPI
On exit, let the pi reboot.
Update the Pi.
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
(wait a while...)
- Install the packages we need.
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-serial python-pip python-spidev python-requests python-shapely git
$ sudo pip install crcmod
- Clone the required repositories.
$ git clone https://github.com/darksidelemm/pySX127x
$ git clone https://github.com/projecthorus/horus_utils.git
- Install the horus_utils libraries.
$ cd horus_utils
$ sudo python setup.py install
- Copy what we need out of pySX127x
$ cp -r ~/pySX127x/SX127x/ ~/horus_utils/apps/
- Check LoRaUDPServer.py runs...
$ cd ~/horus_utils/apps/
$ sudo python LoRaUDPServer.py --rpishield -d device -f frequency
- devicenum = 0 or 1 (the SPI device ID, should be labelled on the LoRa shield, most use 0)
- frequency = operating frequency in MHz (Project Horus launches use 431.650 MHz)
You should now be able to run the apps/HorusGroundStation.py python script on another machine on the network and see STATUS packets flowing.
- Make LoRaUDPServer.py autostart...
$ sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Modify the section after # Print the IP Address
to read:
# Print the IP address
sleep 30
_IP=$(hostname -I) || true
if [ "$_IP" ]; then
printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP"
python /home/YOURUSERNAME/horus_utils/apps/LoRaUDPServer.py --rpishield -d <device> -f <frequency> &
exit 0
Optionally you might want to run TelemetryUpload.py on boot as well. Add the following line below the LoRaUDPServer line:
python /home/YOURUSERNAME/horus_utils/apps/TelemetryUpload.py YOURCALLSIGN &
- GPS UDP-Broadcast Server
If running, this will push out GPS position data out via UDP broadcast, and also push the receiver position to Habitat, either as a chase car, or as a stationary receiver (see default.cfg.example for info).
Copy and edit default.cfg.example
as per the configuration instructions, and test that ChaseTracker_NoGUI works by running:
$ cd ~/horus_utils/apps/
$ python ChaseTracker_NoGUI.py
Add the following line under the loraudpserver line in /etc/rc.local if you want to run this at boot:
python /home/YOURUSERNAME/horus_utils/apps/ChaseTracker_NoGUI.py &
- Reboot and check it works!
$ sudo shutdown -r now
Once the RPi has booted, you should be able to run apps/HorusGroundStation.py
on another machine to view the LoRa status information (in the main text box), and chase car position (under the 'Low-Rate Uplink' section at the bottom right of the window).
- OPTIONAL: Set up Tor hidden service access:
Follow instructions here: https://www.khalidalnajjar.com/access-your-raspberry-pi-globally-using-tor/