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2. Configuration

Mark Jessop edited this page Dec 29, 2017 · 2 revisions


Within the apps directory are two example configuration files (defaults.cfg.example and ozimux.cfg.example). Make a copy of these files, but without the .example suffix, i.e.

defaults.cfg.example -> defaults.cfg
ozimux.cfg.example -> ozimux.cfg


If you are running OziPlotter on the same machine as OziMux, then you will probably not need to change any settings within this file. Otherwise, you may need to change:

  • oziplotter_host - The host name or IP Address where OziPlotter is running
  • ozi_plotter_port - The UDP port OziPlotter is listening on, if this has been changed from the default (8942).

There are four 'Input' blocks, which define the names and UDP ports of the data sources that OziMux listens to, each of these have the following options:

  • input_name - A text description of the data source.
  • input_port - The UDP port to listen for data on.
  • enabled - If this data source is selected at startup. Only one source should be set to True.


defaults.cfg is a shared configuration file for many utilities within this repository. There is documentation on the various settings within the example configuration file. Many of the settings are specific to operations using the LoRa Mission Control payload via HorusGroundStation. The following settings are more 'general purpose' and are used across multiple applications:


  • callsign - Your callsign, used when uploading chase-car positions and telemetry to Habitat. It should be short, and have no spaces or special characters.

[GPS] - GPS Settings

If you are using or (in a headless situation) to upload chase car positions to a map, you will need to edit the following:

  • serial_port - The serial port name (i.e. COM1 or /dev/ttyUSB0) where a NMEA GPS is connected.
  • serial_baud - The baud rate of the NMEA GPS.
  • update_rate - How often to update the chase car position.

[Rotator] - Rotator Settings

These settings define how RotatorGUI connects to a Az/El rotator. Currently rotator communication is supported using either PSTRotator or Hamlib's rotctld server.

  • rotator_type - either 'pstrotator' or 'rotctld'.
  • rotator_hostname - The hostname of the machine running the rotator interface software. Doesn't have to be the local machine.
  • rotctld_port - If using rotctld, the TCP port rotctld is listening on. This defaults to 4533
  • pstrotator_port - If using PSTrotator, the UDP port where PSTRotator listens for commands. This is configured within PSTRotator under 'Communication' -> 'UDP Control Setup', and enabled under 'Setup' -> 'UDP Control'.