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Drive Intel(R) WiFi network card

profzei edited this page Feb 10, 2021 · 4 revisions


  1. Support for WPA/WPA2
  2. There are two ways to drive our native Intel Wireless Card:

AirportItlwm - How to use

This project is still in beta phase:

  • supports all itlwm-supported devices
  • supports native Wi-Fi selection and switching with WPA/WPA2/Unencrypted Wi-Fi Networks
  • supports Location Services
  • Handoff and Universal Clipboard perfectly supported (See #292 (comment))

Since it's in beta phase, there are known issues and limitations:

  • Handoff and Universal Clipboard are the only supported Continuity features.
  • Instant HotSpot from iPhone can be recognized but may likely fail to connect. Workaround: use itlwm.kext with HeliPort.
  • Apple Bluetooth peripherals may fail to connect. Workaround: use itlwm.kext with HeliPort or disable iCloud.

Bootloader Compatibility:

  • Supported: OpenCore -> Kernel Collections with & without Apple Secure Boot
  • Supported: OpenCore -> Prelinked Kernel with ImmutableKernel
  • Not Supported: OpenCore & Clover with Prelinked Kernel without ImmutableKernel
  1. First, make sure your macOS version >= 10.15 and your OpenCore bootloader version >= 0.6.1
  2. [If applicable] Remove itlwm and HeliPort
  3. Turn on Show Wi-Fi status in menu bar in System Preferences -> Network -> Wi-Fi (In MacOS 11<=* System Preferences -> Dock & Menu bar -> Wi-Fi)
  4. Download the latest release at the following link:
  5. Unzip the pack you downloaded and copy AirportItlwm.kext to EFI/OC/Kexts/ folder
  6. Open /EFI/OC/config.plist and find the following code:
	<string>Intel Wi-Fi driver</string>

and change to:

	<string>Intel Wi-Fi driver</string>
  1. Also change your SecureBootModel to allow loading immutablekernel. Warning: if your macOS version >= macOS 11 (KernelCollection) then you don't need to do the following steps!

Find the following code:


and change to:


Find the following code:


and change to:

  1. If the above method doesn't work, reverse changes on DmgLoading and SecureBootModel, then force loading IO80211Family. Open /EFI/OC/config.plist, find the following code:

and change to:

  1. Reboot

Remember that AirportItlwm.kext is still in beta phase, but rapidly improving! Use at your own risk!


OpenIntelWireless - How to use

This project is based on:

  • itlwm.kext: an Intel Wifi Adapter Kernel Extension for macOS, based on the OpenBSD Project
  • HeliPort: a GUI-based Intel WiFi Client for itlwm.kext We will use itlwm and HeliPort to drive our Intel Wireless Card.
  1. Download the latest releases at the following links:
  2. Turn off Show Wi-Fi status in menu bar in System Preferences -> Network -> Wi-Fi (In MacOS 11<=* System Preferences -> Dock & Menu bar -> Wi-Fi)
  3. Unzip all the packs you downloaded and copy itlwm.kext to /EFI/OC/Kexts/ or /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/ folder
  4. If you are using OpenCore, you need to change your config.plist. Open /EFI/OC/config.plist and find the following code:
	<string>Intel Wi-Fi driver</string>

and change to:

	<string>Intel Wi-Fi driver</string>
  1. Reboot and move HeliPort.App to your Applications folder
  2. Open HeliPort.App:
    • You need to allow software from any sources first
    • If needed, run the following command in Terminal.App:
sudo spctl --master-disable
  1. Add HeliPort.App to System Startup:
    • Go to System Preferences -> Users & Groups
    • Select in your admin account Login Items tab
    • Add (+ symbol) HeliPort.App from Applications folder

Remember that itlwm.kext and HeliPort are still in beta phase, but rapidly improving! Use at your own risk!

Pipeline has been created for compiling itlwm.kext and with latest changes every 8 hours!

  1. [Optional] You can modify HeliPort's menubar icon for macOS Big Sur:
    • Quit HeliPort app by holding Alt key + clicking HeliPort menubar icon -> then choose Quit HeliPort
    • In your Applications folder, locate HeliPort app
    • After selecting HeliPort app, right click on it and then choose Show Package Contents
    • Under Contents -> Resources replace with the file available [credit @R-Teer]
    • Restart HeliPort app and enjoy the revised look!


AppleIntelWiFi - How to use [Deprecated!]

  1. Download and files from here or from tonymacx86 thread (last update: 2020-05-23)
  2. Create a folder AppleIntelWiFi on Desktop
  3. Unzip AppleIntelWiFi and move the kext file in Desktop/AppleIntelWiFi folder
    • Select AppleIntelWiFi.kext, right-click, select option Show Package Contents
    • Navigate, select and open Contents/Info.plist
    • Navigate IOKitPersonalities/AppleIntelWiFi/IFConfig
    • Modify NWID entry with your SSID and WPAKEY with your PASSWORD i.e. your network parameters
    • Save and exit
  4. Use Hackintool to disable Gatekeeper or run the following commands in terminal:
sudo spctl --master-disable
sudo mount -uw /
sudo killall Finder
  1. Unzip and move the script in Desktop/AppleIntelWiFi folder
  2. Ensure that IntelKextAutoLoader script is only readable and executable, not writable (for security purposes); it should also be owned by root (with setuid), so only root can alter these permissions; in a terminal shell type the following:
sudo chown root:wheel IntelKextAutoLoader
sudo chmod 4755 IntelKextAutoLoader
  1. Add IntelKextAutoLoader script to System Startup
    • Go to System Preferences -> Users & Groups
    • Select in your admin account Login Items tab
    • Add (+ symbol) the shell script IntelKextAutoLoader
  2. Modify your /etc/sudoers file to not require a password for executing this shell script at every login
    • For editing the sudoers file /etc/sudoers, just type the following command in a terminal shell:
    sudo visudo
    • Use arrows keys to go to the end of file (EOF)
    • Use i to insert a line above the line the cursor is located on
    • Append these lines to /etc/sudoers, replacing myusername with your login username (use whoami to find this out):
    Cmnd_Alias      INTELCMD = /bin/chmod, /usr/sbin/chown, /sbin/kextload
    Cmnd_Alias      INTELWIFI = /Users/myusername/Desktop/AppleIntelWiFi/IntelKextAutoLoader
    myusername      ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: INTELCMD
    myusername      ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: INTELWIFI
    • Press the Esc key to get back to Normal mode
    • Type a colon (:) to move the cursor to the bottom of the screen
    • Type wq: w for Write (or Save) and q for Quit. This command combination returns you to the command line.
  3. Reboot your machine

Remember that AppleIntelWiFi.kext is still in beta phase, but rapidly improving! There have been some reports of random crashes and reboots, use at your own risk!

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