An implementation of SimCLR semi-supervised learning with high-resolution image inputs - part of my 2023 internship with Digital Diagnostics (w/ permission to publish core files and run scripts).
Supports 448 by 448 and 896 by 896 inputs and high-resolution backbone generation.
See for main SimCLR training run script and process flow.
***All code compiled in Python 3.9.
Extracts images from an unlabeled dataset, augments to create an image pair, and trains ML backbone using SimCLR self-supervised learning. Model architecture is user-defined (High-resolution DenseNet architecture included in repo).
Loads a pretrained model (checkpoint from Train_Backbone) for fine-tuning. Trains an image classifier with initalized backbone weights using labeled training and validation datasets.
Loads a finetuned model. Compares predictions and true labels to generate accuracy metrics: ROC curve and confusion matrix.
Trains an SVM on the embedding vector outputs of the backbone. Tests SVM's accuracy using model predictions on embedding vector outputs of the validation set.
In the current code iteration (8/24/23), all training files are set to use HiDenseNet as the model architecture. HiDenseNet is DenseNet121 with a custom model 448 by 448 or 896 by 896 head in front, which can be found in
Custom unlabeled dataset that returns images in tensors.
Custom labeled dataset that returns "image, label" format.
Attaches model_head to DenseNet121. Model head can be set to 448 by 448 input or 896 by 896 based on input.
Defines functions that create the 448 or 896 model head, since DenseNet121 only handles 224 by 224 well. model_head based off of
Takes an input image path and applies user-provided (size) transformations.
Reads from an excel file to appropriayely downsample or upsample a dataset.