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UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_init(uv_mutex_t* handle);
UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_destroy(uv_mutex_t* handle);
UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_lock(uv_mutex_t* handle);
UV_EXTERN int uv_mutex_trylock(uv_mutex_t* handle);
UV_EXTERN void uv_mutex_unlock(uv_mutex_t* handle);


UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_init(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_destroy(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_rdlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);
UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_tryrdlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_rdunlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_wrlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);
UV_EXTERN int uv_rwlock_trywrlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);
UV_EXTERN void uv_rwlock_wrunlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock);


UV_EXTERN int uv_sem_init(uv_sem_t* sem, unsigned int value);
UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_destroy(uv_sem_t* sem);
UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_post(uv_sem_t* sem);

/* sem_wait() decrements (locks) the semaphore pointed to by sem.  If
 * the semaphore's value is greater than zero, then the decrement
 *  proceeds, and the function returns, immediately.  If the semaphore
 * currently has the value zero, then the call blocks until either it
 * becomes possible to perform the decrement (i.e., the semaphore value
 * rises above zero), or a signal handler interrupts the call.
 * Difference from uv_cond_wait(): do not need a mutex. 
UV_EXTERN void uv_sem_wait(uv_sem_t* sem);
UV_EXTERN int uv_sem_trywait(uv_sem_t* sem);

condition variable

UV_EXTERN int uv_cond_init(uv_cond_t* cond);
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_destroy(uv_cond_t* cond);
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_signal(uv_cond_t* cond);
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_broadcast(uv_cond_t* cond);

/* These functions atomically release mutex and cause 
 * the calling thread to block on the condition variable cond.
 * The mutex passed to pthread_cond_wait protects the condition.
 * The caller passes it locked to the function, which then atomically 
 * places them calling thread on the list of threads waiting for the 
 * condition and unlocks the mutex. This closes the window between 
 * the time that the condition is checked and the time that the thread 
 * goes to sleep waiting for the condition to change, so that the thread 
 * doesn't miss a change in the condition. When pthread_cond_wait returns, 
 * the mutex is again locked. 
UV_EXTERN void uv_cond_wait(uv_cond_t* cond, uv_mutex_t* mutex);
UV_EXTERN int uv_cond_timedwait(uv_cond_t* cond,
                                uv_mutex_t* mutex,
                                uint64_t timeout);

atomic ops

#define ACCESS_ONCE(type, var)                                                \
  (*(volatile type*) &(var))

/* Compare oldval with (*ptr). If equal, newval is loaded into (*ptr). Else, load (*ptr) into oldval.
 * 比较oldval和(*ptr)的值,如果相同,newval的值被写到(*ptr);否则,把(*ptr)的值写回oldval。
 * Return: (*ptr)
UV_UNUSED(static int cmpxchgi(int* ptr, int oldval, int newval)) {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
  int out;
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; cmpxchg %2, %1;"
                        : "=a" (out), "+m" (*(volatile int*) ptr)
                        : "r" (newval), "0" (oldval)
                        : "memory");
  return out;
#elif defined(_AIX) && defined(__xlC__)
  const int out = (*(volatile int*) ptr);
  __compare_and_swap(ptr, &oldval, newval);
  return out;
  return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(ptr, oldval, newval);

UV_UNUSED(static long cmpxchgl(long* ptr, long oldval, long newval)) {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
  long out;
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("lock; cmpxchg %2, %1;"
                        : "=a" (out), "+m" (*(volatile long*) ptr)
                        : "r" (newval), "0" (oldval)
                        : "memory");
  return out;
#elif defined(_AIX) && defined(__xlC__)
  const long out = (*(volatile int*) ptr);
# if defined(__64BIT__)
  __compare_and_swaplp(ptr, &oldval, newval);
# else
  __compare_and_swap(ptr, &oldval, newval);
# endif /* if defined(__64BIT__) */
  return out;
  return __sync_val_compare_and_swap(ptr, oldval, newval);

UV_UNUSED(static void cpu_relax(void)) {
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("rep; nop");  /* a.k.a. PAUSE */


typedef struct {
  int lock;
} uv_spinlock_t;

UV_UNUSED(static void uv_spinlock_init(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock));
UV_UNUSED(static void uv_spinlock_lock(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock));
UV_UNUSED(static void uv_spinlock_unlock(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock));
UV_UNUSED(static int uv_spinlock_trylock(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock));

UV_UNUSED(static void uv_spinlock_init(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock)) {
  ACCESS_ONCE(int, spinlock->lock) = 0;

UV_UNUSED(static void uv_spinlock_lock(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock)) {
  while (!uv_spinlock_trylock(spinlock)) cpu_relax();

UV_UNUSED(static void uv_spinlock_unlock(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock)) {
  ACCESS_ONCE(int, spinlock->lock) = 0;

UV_UNUSED(static int uv_spinlock_trylock(uv_spinlock_t* spinlock)) {
  /* TODO(bnoordhuis) Maybe change to a ticket lock to guarantee fair queueing.
   * Not really critical until we have locks that are (frequently) contended
   * for by several threads.
  return 0 == cmpxchgi(&spinlock->lock, 0, 1);


UV_EXTERN int uv_barrier_init(uv_barrier_t* barrier, unsigned int count);
UV_EXTERN void uv_barrier_destroy(uv_barrier_t* barrier);

/* The calling thread shall block until the required 
 * number of threads have called pthread_barrier_wait() 
 * specifying the barrier. 
UV_EXTERN int uv_barrier_wait(uv_barrier_t* barrier);

thread-specific data

UV_EXTERN int uv_key_create(uv_key_t* key);
UV_EXTERN void uv_key_delete(uv_key_t* key);
UV_EXTERN void* uv_key_get(uv_key_t* key);
UV_EXTERN void uv_key_set(uv_key_t* key, void* value);


typedef void (*uv_thread_cb)(void* arg);
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_create(uv_thread_t* tid, uv_thread_cb entry, void* arg);
UV_EXTERN uv_thread_t uv_thread_self(void);
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_join(uv_thread_t *tid);
UV_EXTERN int uv_thread_equal(const uv_thread_t* t1, const uv_thread_t* t2);

/* On return from uv_once(), it is guaranteed that callback() has completed.*/
UV_EXTERN void uv_once(uv_once_t* guard, void (*callback)(void));

Examples: libuv/v1.x/src/threadpool.c function worker and post.

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