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asynchronous function

paulran edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 6 revisions



struct uv_req_t

struct uv_getnameinfo_t

struct uv_async_t

  struct uv_async_t;  // See above

  struct uv__async {
    uv__async_cb cb;
    uv__io_t io_watcher;
    int wfd;

  struct uv_loop_s {
    ... ...
    void* wq[2];                    // work queue
    uv_mutex_t wq_mutex;            // work queue mutex
    uv_async_t wq_async;            // work async handle
    ... ...
    void* async_handles[2];         // async handle queue
    struct uv__async async_watcher; // async watcher
    ... ...

In general, these members are divided into three groups:

  1. Work queue wq is to store finishing working works.
  2. Async handle wq_async is a handle, it defines in struct uv_loop_t, then its life cycle is the same as the loop. While initial the loop, wq_async is inserted into async_handles.
  3. Async watcher async_watcher contains a uv__async_cb cb, a uv__io_t io_watcher, a int wfd. io_watcher registers to loop->watchers. At this struct, there are two callback functions. That one does I/O, another do async events. At the second callback, it will call all handles in async handle queue async_handles. Notes: In Linux, io_watcher.fd is created by eventfd(), instead of pipe() or pipe2().

libuv currently uses a global thread pool on which all loops can queue work on. 3 types of operations are currently run on this pool:

  1. Filesystem operations, see asynchronous-fs
  2. DNS functions (getaddrinfo and getnameinfo)
  3. User specified code via uv_queue_work()

libuv 通过多线程的方式来实现异步调用同步函数。 异步实现 getaddrinfo、getnameinfo,获取到结果后,通过线程间发送消息通知网络线程。

流程:(request的传递 + loop的回调)

  uv_getaddrinfo -> uv__work_submit(loop,
                    uv__getaddrinfo_done);  -> thread::worker -> uv__getaddrinfo_work -> getaddrinfo -> uv_async_send
                 -> uv__async_io -> uv__async_event -> uv__work_done -> uv__getaddrinfo_done -> typedef void (*uv_getaddrinfo_cb)(uv_getaddrinfo_t* req,
                                    int status,
                                    struct addrinfo* res);

  uv_getnameinfo -> uv__work_submit(loop,
                    uv__getnameinfo_done); -> thread::worker -> uv__getnameinfo_work -> getnameinfo

应用层调用 uv_getaddrinfo、uv_getnameinfo,函数内部会产生一个 work request,这个 request 会被放入到线程间的共享队列里。

loop的回调:uv__async_io -> uv__async_event -> uv__work_done -> uv__getaddrinfo_done。

线程的创建:程序启动时创建的网络I/O线程,即主线程。在第一次调用 uv__work_submit 时,通过 pthread_once 的方式只一次创建所需要的异步工作线程,默认创建4个异步工作线程。

多个异步工作线程,竞争地从 work request queue 获取 work request,获取成功,调用 request 设置的 work 函数,即实现具体功能的同步函数(getaddrinfo 、getnameinfo),然后发送消息通知网络I/O线程,异步完成了对应函数的调用,返回了结果。


  1. 采用共享队列,像上面的 work request queue,类似生产者与消费者模型,网络I/O线程产生request,异步工作线程处理request。这种模型要求消费者线程不停低检查是否有新的request到达,为实现高效,一般采用 mutex lock + condition variable 。 网络I/O线程主动与异步工作线程通讯时采用的是这种方式。
  2. 管道 pipe。libuv 的异步工作线程在完成 work 之后,就是通过 pipe 的方式发送消息通知网络I/O线程,异步调用完成了,网络I/O线程可以继续做后面的逻辑。之所以采用这种方式,是因为网络I/O线程主逻辑就是在调用 epoll_wait 等待各种事件,实现 pipe 的通讯,只需要把 pipe 一端 fd 的读事件加入到 epoll 的监控列表。

Linux 线程间 pipe 通讯,两个线程可以都使用同一个 fd :

 #if defined(__linux__)
   if (fd == -1) {
     static const uint64_t val = 1;
     buf = &val;
     len = sizeof(val);
     fd = wa->io_watcher.fd;  /* eventfd */
     r = write(fd, buf, len);
   while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR);
   if (r == len)

异步工作线程通过 pipe 给网络I/O线程发送消息后,uv__async_io 被调用,是因为在对应的 fd 上注册了这个回调函数:

  uv__io_init(&wa->io_watcher, uv__async_io, pipefd[0]);
  uv__io_start(loop, &wa->io_watcher, UV__POLLIN);
  wa->wfd = pipefd[1];
  wa->cb = cb;

work request 的创建和销毁:

  1. 创建:uv_getaddrinfo_t getaddrinfo_req;
  2. 销毁:uv__getaddrinfo_done -> xxx_cb -> uv_freeaddrinfo(addrs) -> freeaddrinfo(ai)
  uv_getaddrinfo_t is a subclass of uv_req_t.
  typedef struct uv_getaddrinfo_s uv_getaddrinfo_t;
  uv_getaddrinfo_s is a request object for uv_getaddrinfo.
  • 参考:
  1. offsetof:
  2. QUEUE:
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