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Pathetic - A Pathfinding library for Minecraft

Pathetic is a high-performance, backwards-compatible, and asynchronous pathfinding library designed for Spigot, Paper, and their forks. Pathetic leverages the A* algorithm with customizable heuristics for real-time pathfinding in Minecraft server environments.

Pathetic excels in handling complex terrains with features such as diagonal movement, vertical pathing, and user-defined filters for greater flexibility.

Key Features

  • Advanced A* Algorithm: Employs multiple distance metrics (Manhattan, Octile, Perpendicular) and height differences for pathfinding, optimized for 3D worlds like Minecraft.
  • Asynchronous Pathfinding: Non-blocking operations using CompletableFuture to minimize server impact during pathfinding.
  • Fibonacci Heap for Efficient Queuing: The open set (frontier) is managed using a Fibonacci heap, ensuring optimal node retrieval with faster insert and extract min operations.
  • Customizable Heuristics: Fine-tune pathfinding behavior using HeuristicWeights for balanced navigation in any world configuration.
  • Regional Grid Optimization: Uses ExpiringHashMap and Bloom filters to efficiently track explored regions, minimizing memory overhead.
  • Dynamic Path Filters: Define custom filters to modify node validity or prioritize paths based on criteria such as passability, block type, or world boundaries.






allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.patheloper.pathetic:pathetic-mapping:VERSION'

Advanced Usage: Filtering and Prioritizing Paths

Here’s how to set up and use Pathetic to find paths between random points in a Minecraft world:

public class AdvancedPathExample extends JavaPlugin {

    public void onEnable() {
        findOptimizedPath(randomLocation(), randomLocation());

    public void onDisable() {

    private void findOptimizedPath(PathPosition start, PathPosition end) {
        Pathfinder pathfinder = PatheticMapper.newPathfinder();
        List<PathFilter> filters = List.of(new PassablePathFilter(), new CustomHeightFilter());
        List<PathFilterStage> filterStages = List.of(new EarlyExitFilterStage());

                .findPath(start, end, filters, filterStages)
                        pathfinderResult -> {
                            if (pathfinderResult.getPathState() == PathState.FOUND) {
                                                location ->
                                                                location, Material.GOLD_BLOCK.createBlockData()));
                            } else {
                                getLogger().info("Pathfinding failed or exceeded limits.");

    private PathPosition randomLocation() {
        ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
        return new PathPosition(random.nextInt(0, 100), random.nextInt(0, 100), random.nextInt(0, 100));

Technical Overview

A* Pathfinding

Pathetic uses a robust implementation of the A* algorithm, tailored for Minecraft's 3D world and large-scale terrains. Key technical highlights include:

  • Heuristic Metrics:

    • Combines multiple metrics—Manhattan, Octile, Perpendicular, and Height Differences—for a comprehensive cost evaluation.
    • These metrics are dynamically weighted using HeuristicWeights, allowing precise tuning for the environment and movement constraints in Minecraft.
  • Fibonacci Heap:

    • Pathetic employs a Fibonacci Heap for managing the frontier (open set), optimizing node insertion and retrieval with amortized O(1) insertion and O(log n) extraction times.
    • This significantly improves performance when handling large grids with numerous nodes, reducing overhead compared to traditional binary heaps.
  • Regional Grid Optimization:

    • ExpiringHashMap and Bloom Filters are used to manage explored nodes efficiently.
    • This allows Pathetic to minimize memory usage by clearing out unnecessary or redundant node data while still preventing revisits to already-explored nodes.
  • Customizable Heuristics:

    • Fine-tune pathfinding behavior by adjusting the weights for different distances:
      • Manhattan Weight: Prioritizes straight-line paths on grids.
      • Octile Weight: Best suited for paths allowing diagonal movement.
      • Perpendicular Weight: Avoids sharp turns by encouraging smoother paths.
      • Height Weight: Penalizes paths with large vertical movements.

Asynchronous Pathfinding

Pathetic runs pathfinding operations asynchronously via CompletableFuture. This ensures that pathfinding does not block the server's main thread, allowing smooth gameplay even in complex or large pathfinding operations.

  • Asynchronous execution is particularly useful for handling real-time pathfinding in busy environments without impacting server performance.
  • Results can be processed or displayed upon completion, providing a non-blocking experience for the user.

Dynamic Path Filters

Pathetic allows for flexible pathfinding with custom filters that can be applied at various stages of the pathfinding process. For example:

  • Filters like PassablePathFilter ensure nodes are only considered if they meet specific conditions (e.g., passability of the terrain).
  • Filter Stages: Allow multi-stage processing, adjusting node evaluation dynamically based on the current pathfinding state.

Node Prioritization and Filtering

  • Pathetic dynamically adjusts node prioritization based on filter stages and environmental context, ensuring optimal paths are found based on the criteria set by developers.
  • Nodes that pass through filter stages can receive a priority boost, enabling more intelligent pathing decisions based on the environment or specific goals.



Pathetic is released under the GPL License.


We welcome contributions! Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests. For major changes, open an issue first to discuss what you’d like to change.


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We'd like to thank JetBrains for sponsoring the development of this project with an amazing toolset!