- 5e84463: feat(api): introduce new API used by the UI (#177) (@Alan-pad)
- 93a6cd3: feat(controllers): Implement the TerraformRun controller (#167) (@corrieriluca)
- eeedb82: feat(layer): include the last TerraformRun in the status (#183) (@Alan-pad)
- f6a0806: feat(tfrun): Add cleanup of past TerraformRuns (#168) (@corrieriluca)
- a37283c: feat(ui): add doc (#190) (@marcantoinegodde)
- dec34ef: feat(ui): embed and serve UI assets from Burrito binary (#191) (@marcantoinegodde)
- 11b897c: feat(ui): first dashboard view (#189) (@Alan-pad)
Bug fixes
- 7ab069f: Revert "fix: repository folder was mounted and didn't have proper ownership sets (#207)" (@Alan-pad)
- 983ad07: fix(api): didn't send the layer state (@Alan-pad)
- da56078: fix(api): show success when plan is empty (#211) (@Alan-pad)
- ca8683c: fix(burrito): handle cases where webhook wasn't received (#206) (@Alan-pad)
- cb13ef8: fix(chart): RBAC on server was missing (@Alan-pad)
- b8f373f: fix(controllers): reconcile on annotation update (#188) (@corrieriluca)
- 4e1089c: fix(deps): update dependency axios to v1.6.0 [security] (#193) (@renovate[bot])
- 8d15a76: fix(deps): update module github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 to v5.9.0 (#151) (@renovate[bot])
- d31a6b3: fix(deps): update module github.com/hashicorp/hc-install to v0.6.1 (#180) (@renovate[bot])
- 03637d9: fix(deps): update module github.com/hashicorp/terraform-exec to v0.19.0 (#62) (@renovate[bot])
- 6ca1e46: fix(deps): update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.13.1 (#181) (@renovate[bot])
- 511b84a: fix(github): handle reopened PR (#184) (@corrieriluca)
- 721fc23: fix(gitlab): correctly handle GitLab MR events (#178) (@corrieriluca)
- c0abbca: fix(lints): fix code smell from CI (#158) (@corrieriluca)
- 2e79f83: fix(pr): multiple bugs in the PR controller (#187) (@corrieriluca)
- 577adf5: fix(rbac): update roles in plain manifests (#185) (@corrieriluca)
- 9e8c060: fix(runner): issues with terragrunt install (#210) (@Alan-pad)
- 5f0eb8d: fix(server): api wasn't initialized (@Alan-pad)
- feb79f0: fix(server): checking non-existent ownerReferences creates a panic (@Alan-pad)
- 0d0cd65: fix(terraformpullrequest): fix pagination for github pull request files (#174) (@dixneuf19)
- 5dfe71c: fix(url): normalizeURL wasn't working on https with .git suffix (#176) (@Alan-pad)
- 4d43683: fix: helm chart key in values-example.yaml (@Alan-pad)
- f195c97: fix: helm chart rbac (@Alan-pad)
- 006165a: fix: readd the setLogger to fix issue with controller-runtime (#169) (@Alan-pad)
- 1a88ae8: fix: repository folder was mounted and didn't have proper ownership sets (#207) (@Alan-pad)
- 2240d2b: fix: runner workdir in a subfolder + remove mounted volume (#209) (@Alan-pad)
- 9697028: fix: update to v0.15.2 controller-runtime (@Alan-pad)
- 5c1e906: fix: upgrade to v0.11.4 (@Alan-pad)