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Anirvan BASU nirvanesque
Global Managing Director @ Accenture

Accenture Paris, France

Emmanuel T emteodosio
CS @MapuaUniv

San Francisco, CA

bin.sun sunbuny
MachineVision & Robotics

FalconVision suzhou

mhubii mhubii

Robotics and Vision in Medicine London, England

Edward Dong HzEdward
UCL BSc Computer Science | CUHK Ph.D. Neurolinguistics @Neurobiology-of-Language-Lab-NLL

Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, Hong Kong

Annamalai RaMathuZen
Control Undergrad at NIT-T . SPIDER R&D(Robotics) @SpiderNitt . GNU/Linux User

Spider R&D Trichy, India

HyTian Tianhuanyu
The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage 人类的赞歌,就是勇气的赞歌

@RViMLab King's College London London

S.M.Hadi Sadati smhadisadati
CME Research Fellow at Robotics and Vision in Medicine (RViM) Lab, King's College London
Theodoros Pissas TheoPis
Postdoc AIMI, ARTORG, University of Bern. Before PhD RVIM lab UCL, KCL

University of Bern Bern

Pedro H. Hasselmann pedrohasselmann
PhD in Astronomy by the Observatório Nacional (2015). Thesis on the photometric analysis of images from OSIRIS/Rosetta mission. Second mother language: Python

Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Paris, France

Mohamed E. BRIKI mebriki
Machine Learning Engineer | Deep Learning for Medical Research

@wessini Algiers, Algeria

James Weidong Liang Weidongleon
God bless my codes

King's College London London