Notes for technical interview
We will actually start with specific data structures and break into patterns via Data structures/algorithm tech handbook and then using Neetcode as hollistic reference. Then we will add Neetcode afterwards. A master list of all the leetcode problems completed and organized afterwards by data structures.
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
1 | Two Sum | |
121 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | |
238 | Product of Array Except Self | |
53 | Maximum Subarray | |
242 | Valid Anagram | |
125 | Valid Palindrome | |
3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | |
217 | Contains Duplicate | |
152 | Maximum Product Subarray | |
33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | |
15 | 3Sum | |
11 | Container with Most Water | |
239 | Sliding Window Maximum | |
424 | Longest Repeating Character Replacement | |
438 | Find All Anagrams in a String | |
76 | Minimum Window Substring | |
49 | Group Anagrams | |
5 | Longest Palindromic Substring | |
271 | Encode and Decode Strings |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
1 | Two Sum | |
383 | Ransom Note | |
49 | Group Anagrams | |
41 | First Missing Positive | |
146 | LRU Cache | |
432 | All O' one Data Structure |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
22 | Generate Parenthesis | |
77 | Combinations | |
78 | Subsets | |
17 | Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | |
90 | Subsets II | |
46 | Permutations | |
37 | Sudoku Solver | |
247 | Strobogrammatic Number II |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
704 | Binary Search | |
33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | |
378 | Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix | |
74 | Search a 2D Matrix | |
215 | Kth Largest Element in an Array | |
153 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array | |
4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
73 | Set Matrix Zeroes | |
54 | Spiral Matrix | |
48 | Rotate Image | |
36 | Valid Sudoku |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
206 | Reverse Linked List | |
141 | Linked List Cycle | |
21 | Merge Two Sorted Lists | |
23 | Merge K Sorted Lists | |
19 | Remove Nth Node from End of List | |
143 | Reorder List |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
225 | Implement Stack Using Queues | |
232 | Implement Queue Using Stacks | |
622 | Design Circular Queue | |
362 | Design Hit Counter |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
20 | Valid Parentheses | |
232 | Implement Queue Using Stacks | |
225 | Implement Stack Using Queues | |
155 | Min Stack | |
735 | Asteroid Collision | |
150 | Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation | |
224 | Basic Calculator | |
227 | Basic Calculator II | |
739 | Daily Temperatures | |
42 | Trapping Rain Water | |
84 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
56 | Merge Intervals | |
57 | Insert Interval | |
435 | Non-Overlapping Intervals | |
252 | Meeting Rooms | |
253 | Meeting Rooms II |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
104 | Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | |
226 | Invert Binary Tree | |
235 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree | |
100 | Same Tree | |
124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | |
102 | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | |
236 | Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
200 | Number of Islands | |
733 | Flood Fill | |
542 | 01 Matrix |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
23 | Merge k Sorted Lists | |
973 | K Closest Points to Origin |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
208 | Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) |
LeetCode Number | Problem | Difficulty |
70 | Climbing Stairs | |
322 | Coin Change | |
198 | House Robber | |
300 | Longest Increasing Subsequence |
1. Introduction
- [Introduction]
- [Introduction]