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Drone Controller

NorthWestTrees edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 3 revisions


Drone Controller

See below for known changes to this item and older pages.

The drone controller is a tool item that is used for drones.


The tool has a few modes that can be selected by right-clicking a block while sneaking. To perform the drone mode action right-click a block while NOT sneaking.

  1. Energy: Checks saved drone's remaining energy.
  2. Location: Tells saved drone's coordinates.
  3. Inventory: Opens saved drone inventory.
  4. Use: Makes player use the saved drone.
  5. Home: Makes drone return to its saved charging station. 6: Save: Saves a drone to the controller.

Saving Dones

A drone must be saved before any of the other modes can be used.
Right-click on any drone to save or change the saved drone for that controller.


Crafting Recipe

Crafting Table Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 A
Row 2 B C B
Row 3 D D
ID Name Tag
A Antenna cctvcraft:recipe/antenna
B Metal Wire cctvcraft:recipe/metal_wire
C Display cctvcraft:recipe/display
D Metal Plate forge:plates/aluminum

Recipe Group

Information Value
Namespace cctvcraft
Recipe Group remotes

Minecraft Tags

Type Tag Use
Item cctvcraft:tools/drone_controller Unused

Forge NBT

Type NBT Name Use
Number LastDronePosX Stores the block's X position
Number LastDronePosY Stores the block's Y position
Number LastDronePosZ Stores the block's Z position
String Action Cycles action values which trigger script


  • 4.6.0
    • Updated the recipe group
  • 4.5.0
    • Unknown

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