Live rendering of Mandelbrot fractal with help of .NET, Cloo and OpenTK/SharpGL. Actually, collaboration of OpenCL and OpenGL.
- Left Mouse click to center image.
- Scrool wheeeel to zoom/unzoom.
- Cursor up/down - Increments/decrements the number of iterations (Shift+ would get x10 speed up)
At start it's looking for NVIDIA graphics card but you can start your own journey from changing this. Just replace the string "NVIDIA" to the "INTEL" or "AMD":
private void Cloo_Initialize(OpenGLEventArgs args)
foreach (var p in ComputePlatform.Platforms)
foreach(var d in p.Devices)
if (d.Vendor.ToUpperInvariant().Contains("NVIDIA")) // "INTEL")) // "AMD"))
Since version 1.1 you can edit kernel which you can find under the /kernels
folder. The kernel file could be edited in isolation of main application.